Day 7, Valencia, Spain

Monday 29th November 2016

Today berthed in Valencia, seems we have berthed in a new location about as far from the town as possible.  Couldn't even see the skyline of all the architectural gems of the science and cultural part of town.  Weather overcast with threat of rain.  Thought we would delay deciding our plan for the day and start with a couple of quizzes and get some washing into the launderette.  A good start, picked up a couple of stamps at each of the morning quizzes and the washing all clean and dry.  While we were at it decided on a pub lunch in the Golden Lion.  Weather still dubious, couple of showers and still cloudy so decided to forego the pleasure of a trip into town.

The afternoon just seemed to disappear, one unsuccessful quiz and not much else.

Sail away followed by dinner in the buffet, nice piece of sea trout for me and a Hawaiian pizza for Yvonne.

..........and so off to Cartagena.

Day 6, at Sea, en-route Valencia

Sunday 27th November 2016

Another day at sea so not much to do to disturb us.  Weather quite pleasant if not really summery, well it is the end of November.

In the afternoon we we entertained by Martin Vishnik on the classical guitar, everything from Bach to Hendrix.  Excellent, quite inspiring.  Interesting that he taught in St Albans at one time.

Martin Vishnik
Today attended the Gold/Platinum cocktail party, on with the glad rags again!  Announcement of the most travelled passengers, 916 nights on Cunard, some total, makes us real beginners.

Dodged the formal dinner and snuck up to the buffet for a delicious plate of pasta bolognaise.
Went to 7 o’clock trivia, invited to join another team, and won another two stamps in our passport, up to six now, equalling our last cruise.
Then off to the Theatre for tonight’s show, “Hollywood Nights” with the Cunard Singers and Dancers, such energy!

Back to our stateroom to watch the lightning lighting up the sky, no thunder or rain though.  The ship seemed to divert to near Alicante for a brief stop in the bay, not sure why, perhaps to avoid the storm?

Day 5 - Tangiers, Morocco

Saturday 26th November 2016

Awoke this morning berthed in Tangiers.  It’s wet here! very wet.  Just occasionally brightening up.  Easy morning waiting for our meeting time for our shore excursion.
Joined our tour group and boarded our coach, still wet.  Tour out through town past palaces and mosques and so up to Cape Spartel and its lighthouse for a photo stop and to view the meeting of the Atlantic Ocean and the Straits of Gibraltar, still rather wet.

Cape Spartel Lighthouse.
Next to the Caves of Hercules, this consisted of a small part of a natural sea cave with an extensive man made extension formed by mining, it’s greatest claim to fame seems to be the silhouette illusion of the cave exit which looks like a man in his turban!  Luckily it wasn’t wet in the cave coz it was very wet outside.

Get the idea?
Then back to town to commence the walking part of the tour, even more luckily it was really starting to brighten up and the rain had pretty much cleared.
The coach dropped us at the top of the hill just behind the Kasbah, this is the walled area of the town, originally a fortress but progressively taken over for palaces and habitation for the rich and influential. The less well off and the artisans all being left outside the walls in the Souk.  This proved to be an absolute maze of very narrow “streets” containing a jumble of houses, almost meeting as the upper stories are often jettied out, and tiny workshops and shops.
The souk, with local in his onesie.
Afternoon tea at the Continental Hotel consisting of Mint Tea (I think they forgot the mint) with a couple of cakes, one a bit like a mincemeat parcel and one a sort of shortcake.
Most of our time in the town stayed dry, only a few light showers, could have been much worse.

Back to ship for a rest and to dry off.

Tonight chose to eat in the buffet, Indian theme dinner, quite delicious.

Day 4, at Sea

Friday 25th November 2016

Today in transition travelling down the coast of Portugal.  Weather still not great, sea interestingly but not unpleasantly rough.  General improvement all day, certainly not cold.

Another day of not doing too much at all.

This evening the Captain presented her officers at her welcome cocktail party. 

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  Captain Inger Thorehauge……………….….. and her Officers
Then our second formal dinner in the main restaurantWe both started with soup, I followed up with Chateaubriand and Yvonne with Loin of Pork.

Day 3, La Corunna

Thursday 24th November 2016
Woke this morning, late again, still almost dark and wet.  Followed by wet and then more wet.
Wondered if a trip to town was worth the risk of a soaking?

A wet view of La Corunna
Early afternoon weather cheered up so went for a walk through town.  La Corunna is known as the Crystal City because of all the glazed balconies on the properties.  Dull day didn’t help but it’s always spectacular.  Also managed a call in to the supermarket before the rain returned and drove us back to the ship.

Municipal Square
This evenings dinner we took in the buffet, our first of the cruise, delicious American theme.  Well it is Thanksgiving Day.  Manhattan Clam Chowder, Coney Island Hot Dog with Chilli and Spare Ribs with Jack Daniels Sauce.  etc. etc. some restraint needed!

Then to the Royal Court Theatre for tonight's show with the Cunard Singers accompanied by the Combined Cunard Orchestra (all 19 of them) with a selection of favourites from pop, film and musicals.

And so to supper and bed.

Day 2, at Sea

Wednesday 23rd November 2016

Clocks forward, so up late as just too dark.  Lazy day, leisurely breakfast, stroll round the promenade deck, coffee in the Grand Lobby, a couple of quizzes, afternoon scones, quick wiz round the shops to start actually spending, I am now the proud owner of a red bow tie!
The weather today mostly overcast, some drizzle, mild.

Time to get ready for our first formal dinner of the cruise, tonight's menu, I started with Gumbo, Yvonne deep-fried Brie, both followed by rib-of-beef and then dessert.

Red Bow-Tie

After dinner watched the sequence dancing for a few minutes, not at all sure we could ever aspire to the Argentina Stroll or the Balmoral whatever, even if we were inclined.  Then back to  our stateroom to get on with our homework (blogging).


Day 1, Sailaway from Southampton

Tuesday 22nd November 2016

Super smooth, fast and efficient boarding process, start to finish 35 mins, door to coffee.  That’s Cunard for you!

The ship all seems very familiar, just as it was when we left four weeks ago.  Our stateroom very nice and well positioned with nice big balcony, only one problem, last night very rough passage into Southampton and part of our balcony screen torn away, must have been bad.


A new Master for us this trip, Captain Inger Klein Thorhauge, born Faroe Islands, lives in Denmark.

Enjoyed our day eating, drinking and checking out the ship.  The weather today mostly sunny with scattered showers making for excellent rainbows, some doubles.

Boldly went to the main Restaurant this evening, nice two seat table, a more relaxing experience, even though others only a foot away don’t feel the need to maintain conversation as on larger tables.  For those interested, we both started with the soup, Yvonne had steak and I had lamb, we both finished with strudel.  After dinner strolled round the shops to see what we could use our onboard spend credit on.

Early to bed, must be the sea air....

Day minus 1, Southampton and Queen Elizabeth

Well here we go again, all ready and packed so off to Southampton for our cruise.

Itinerary for this trip to the sun,

Tuesday 22nd November, Southampton, Mayflower Terminal
Wednesday 23rd November, at Sea
Thursday 24th November, La Coruna, Spain
Friday 25th November, at Sea
Saturday 26th November, Tangiers, Morocco
Sunday 27th November, at Sea
Monday 28th November, Valencia, Spain.
Tuesday 29th November, Cartagena, Spain
Wednesday 30th November, Gibraltar
Thursday 1st December, Lisbon, Portugal
Friday 2nd December, at Sea
Saturday 3rd December, at Sea
Sunday 4th December, SouthamptonScreenshot (53)

Pre Cruise Intro–Queen Elizabeth to the Med

Only a few days to go till our next cruise, and nothing prepared yet.
Playing it with confidence that post-op recovery is so complete that no problems will occur, taking every precaution to avoid stress!
Hoping for some Mediterranean weather instead of Noweather November here in UK.
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Perhaps even some whales and dolphins