Day 8 at sea

Thursday 27th April 2017 
Nice quiet day at sea today, seems like time for a rest, that’s my opinion anyway!  Didn’t really achieve much today worth mentioning, must have done something, the day just flew by.

Formal night tonight, so all dressed up, off to the theatre first for tonight’s show by the Princess singers and dancers,  “Born to be Wild”.  A very good show, full of energy and very good songs.
Then off to dinner, shared table again, tonight 2 Americans and 4 Canadians, all very good company if we ignore  tendency to discuss politics and Donald Trump (the Americans were very anti-Trump).  Yvonne wasn't so keen on the menu so settled on Melon followed by Chicken Breast on Pasta Alfredo.  However suited me perfectly so I had Cream of Tomato Soup followed by Lobster Tail, all in all a very good evening and our table was last out of the restaurant.
Another late finish despite a busy day tomorrow.

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