Day 12 - Honningsvag, Norway

Saturday 8th July 2107

"Northernmost village of Norway, close to the  North Cape which is almost the northernmost point of the Europe at 71 degrees 10 minutes and 21 seconds N."

This morning just coming into harbour as we woke, early, as our tour was early!  A bright sunny day greeted us.  After a quick breakfast we joined our tour bus and off we went across the island towards the North Cape.  AMAZING clear sunny weather and an amazing scenery of mountains, lakes, snow, reindeer and all in the abundance of bright sun and blue skies.


Arriving at the North Cape we took in the panoramic views from atop the 1000 ft cliffs, looking out over a flat calm sea towards the North Pole, not quite in sight at 2093 kilometres.

North Cape

All to soon it was time to leave and head back to the ship.  Equally enjoyable views on our return, including passing a Sami in traditional costume and alongside his reindeer.  

Traditional Sami with his Reindeer

A quick lunch followed by a walk around the village of Honningsvag.  Lots of trolls all over Norway, didn't see any live one's, only in souvenir shops and on street corners.


Back to the ship for the afternoon to enjoy the sun on our balcony.  Dinner this evening in the Main Dining Room, Melon with Port, followed by a Chicken and Leek Pie for one, the other had Crabcakes followed by Cowboy Steak with crispy onions.  Into the lounge to watch a local group performing 'Our Northernmost Life' very good, followed by a Trivia quiz 16 out of 20 about the same as most of the groups at the quiz.   Coffee, and back to our room to type up these notes.

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