Day 2 - at Sea

Thursday 16th November 2017

Last night clocks went forward on hour just to confuse us even more.  This is doubly tricky as we are slumming it in an inside stateroom, so no daylight to help with body clocks.

After breakfast went for a few laps of the Prom, weather quite pleasant if overcast with some showers about, sea pretty near flat and wind very light.

Morning coffee in the Costa coffee shop, down in the bowels of the ship,  for some reason most of the ship’s public rooms seem to be a jumble of enclosed spaces without any WOW factor, not very impressive, especially for first time cruisers.  Even the atrium which in our experience is designed to impress on this ship certainly doesn’t.  Still the coffee was good.

Spent some time in the Crow’s Nest watching the French coast moving past very slowly.  Lots of ships and ferries about, as well as some seagulls, but no whales or dolphins!

And so to afternoon tea and scones.

Wasted some time sorting out P&O’s shambolic accounting system, another new frustration, and our credit card, eventually straightened out.

Ship has arrived at it’s anchor point off the Belgian coast, so we will be stationary tonight, in the morning the pilot will come aboard and then we will proceed into Zeebrugge to tie up alongside for the day.

Dinner in the Buffet again tonight, Italian theme.

Then to the Rising Sun, the ship’s pub, for a little something to drink while being entertained by the High Tides Duo,  well one of them, the other not well, playing some great classic pop songs, accompanying himself on guitar, interesting mix of Cliff Richards, Dire Straits, Elvis, Johnny Cash, etc. all very good, and not too loud!  Time to go, its Karaoke next.

Closed the day with a bit of NFL back in our cupboard.

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