Day 1 - Heathrow and Dubai, UAE

Sunday and Monday, 24th and 25th March 2019

Dubai is the largest and most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).  On the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf, it is the capital of the Emirate of Dubai , one of the seven emirates that make up the country.

Dubai is a global city and business hub of the Middle East.  It is also a major global transport hub for passengers and cargo.  Oil revenue helped accelerate the development of the city, which was already a major mercantile hub, but Dubai's oil reserves are limited and production levels are low: today, less than 5% of the emirate's revenue comes from oil.  A growing centre for regional and international trade since the early 20th century, Dubai’s economy today relies on revenues from trade, tourism, aviation, real estate, and financial services.

Dubai has attracted world attention through large construction projects and sports events, in particular the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa.  As of 2012, Dubai was the most expensive city in the Middle East.

Off  to Heathrow, today an evening flight to Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
SEVEN hours, I never knew it was so far away!

Our lift to the airport arrived on time and the trip went without incident.  Hopefully his trip home was equally quick.  Self serve baggage drop went well now we know how it works.  Soon through security and found a nice seat with a view of some planes.  Quite a wait till our flight but coffee and a roll helped fill in the time.  Eventually we were able to catch the transit train over to ‘C’ gates, only a short wait until the start of boarding.  We had booked aisle seats which turned out better than expected, and soon were buckled in and on the runway ready for takeoff.  

In flight entertainment very good, with plenty of films to choose from along with other channels.  Dinner arrived at about midnight with a choice of chicken or vegetable pasta.  Eventually watched the Crimes of Grindelwald and Bohemian Rhapsody, both very good.  

Clocks jumped forward 4 hours, makes the night much shorter.  Sadly no sleep but time passed and all too soon it was breakfast, about 3 am UK time, 7 am Dubai time.  

Landed on time with a long taxiing to the terminal, soon off the plane with a short walk to the transit train to take us to baggage claim and immigration.  All went well.

Had a bit of trouble finding our transfer to the ship, but once we found him we had very nice, if slightly hair-raising drive in a huge SUV to the ship.  By now it was around 10.00am and still a bit of a wait at the terminal until we were able to check in.  12.00 they started calling us to book in, we must have found the least able chap with the worse working pc to do our booking in.  First the passports would not pass the scanner, then the camera would not work and lastly the credit card reader wouldn’t authorise.  Eventually we got through and made it on board and into our stateroom.

Time for a cup of tea, unpack our cases and a walk around the ship.  The weather being rather cloudy and murky, lots of dust in the air, which you could taste.  This made the views over the city most unclear.  We could just about make out the skyline.

The Burj is really there, glad we didn't take the trip to the top, to see not much!

One thing which we could see was the much beloved dear old QE2, now a hotel since it’s retirement from ocean voyages.  Quite a few of the passengers joining here in Dubai had taken advantage and booked for the QE2 for a pre-cruise stay.

Buffet dinner tonight couldn’t face dressing up for the restaurant.  Dinner finished just about time we sailed away, a bit late due to late returning passengers.

A long day, time for bed, or was it two days!!!?

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time - bit murky in Dubai, hop you can see better now - look forward to your next post
