Day 2 - at Sea

12th August 2019

Two nights and a day sailing through the North Sea to Newcastle.

Weather rather nondescript, fair but not much of anything.  Very little to see but sea with quite a lot of oil/gas rigs and a very lot of wind generators including a new one in progress soon to be the largest in Europe.

By noon we had travelled about 225 nm with another 240 nm to go to our first stop.

Afternoon trivia our first success, managed a win with a couple of chaps we had met on the World Cruise.

Also the first formal night, so it’s on with the best bib and tucker and off to cocktails, with Captain Tomas Connery, very kind of him to buy us all a drink or two.

Another first, in to dinner in the main restaurant to join our table of four, us and a pleasant couple from Brighton, not too much of a strain.

After dinner off to the show, Cunard Singers and Dancers in “Dance Passion”.

That’s about it for today, looking forward to tomorrow.

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