Day 8 - Southampton

Tuesday 5th October 2021

Awoke this morning already berthed back in Ocean Terminal Southampton.  The dock looked pretty wet and there was a very black cloud receding north away from us, looks like the bad weather has cleared away and it looks good for the rest of the day.

Just time for breakfast in the buffet, then to complete the packing and head down to disembark.  No wait today, presumably the reduced number of passengers meant that luggage and checking everyone off the ship could be achieved without delay.  So straight off the ship and out to collect the car and be on our way.

So that’s it for our post-Covid taster cruise, all in all a success, the extra precautions and testing didn’t feel too onerous, the reduced number of passengers and the passenger/crew an advantage.  Not having any foreign ports on the cruise also meant that no extra requirements apply on return, making life easier than it might have been.

Day 7 - at Sea

Monday 4th October 2021

Today it’s a cruise round Lands End and back towards Southampton.  Weather not too bad, though there is threat for high wind and seas for tonight.  A much more direct route than the outward journey, apparently the long run south on that day was to go far enough south for the taxman to consider this as a trip into Europe so that tax free status could be assigned.

Made time today to have a couple of more tries to actually win a trivia, again close but no success.  Had to also fit in the dreaded packing, definitely not one of our favourite jobs, perhaps a little more pleasurable is a visit to the shops to use up the last few dollars of our on-board spending, not usually a problem.

This evening our second visit to the Crown Grill for dinner, tonight’s star feature is the Lobster Tail.  Interestingly we had the same table with the same waiter as our last visit, starting to feel like home, well, a very smart version of what could be home.

The weather this evening doesn’t seem at all bad, even so the Captain made a detour to pick up the pilot from Brixton ready for our entry into Southampton tomorrow.

Day 6 - Liverpool

Sunday 3rd October 2021

Once more berthed pretty much before the sun got up, it’s the trouble with late in the year cruises.  The day started again with a cool breeze, rather cloudy and chance of occasional rain, not what we had hoped for.

Held off any excursions ashore while the weather decided what it was going to do.

Usual berth very close to the “Three Graces”, great views, city looks very quiet, I guess it’s a Sunday, and there is football drawing the crowds away.

Filled our morning as usual enjoying the ship’s facilities and activities, nothing too energetic, rain showers brought back some adventurers.

The afternoon improved to a much nicer sunny warm day. We progressed up to the deck to sit with view of the city and the Mersey Ferry, today the Dazzle painted ferry running.  A couple of colourful cocktails helped the day move along.

Weather stayed so good we didn’t make it ashore, apparently most of the town was shut anyway, not much enterprise here!

Sailaway attracted a few spectators, perhaps they just wanted to hear the Beatles music being played on the ship?

Light dinner tonight, been overeating just too much this voyage, that’s the trouble with short cruises, just not time to try all the options and venues.

Day 5 - Belfast

Saturday 2nd October 2021

Docked in Belfast before we woke up, sun just rising into a small gap between the horizon and the clouds.  Not a promising sky for the day but hoping for the best.

No plans today to visit the town, repeat visits don’t hold out much attraction unless especially good or we have missed a particular feature, so not today.  Shuttle bus to town also on the expensive side, unnecessarily so.

Filled a happy few hours at trivia, eating and drinking and taking a few turns round the deck, time is so easily used up.

The weather actually stayed quite good, sunshine and clouds and a not too cool breeze.  Not exactly sunbathing weather but OK.

Nice views from the ship of Belfast, the surrounding hills and the Harland. and Wolfe cranes, Sampson and Goliath.

This evening decided to spend some of our onboard at the speciality restaurant, Crown Grill, §well you can’t take it ashore with you.

Certainly was a big step up from the usual dinner.  Excellent choices and delicious food, so good we booked again for Monday.

Just time to digest before bed.  Off to Liverpool for tomorrow.

Day 3 and 4 - at Sea

Thursday 30th September 2021

Overcast  today  as we cruised the English Channel, a fairly circuitous route near the French coast, apparently to follow the traffic separation lanes and to spend the time as we have two days to get to Belfast, a surfeit allowing for a leisurely sail.

The days falling, already, into a pattern, breakfast in the buffet followed by the morning trivia, then morning coffee.

Just for a change as the weather cool and cloudy it’s off to the gym to build an appetite rather than a promenade around the deck.

Managed to skip lunch and hold out until afternoon tea, the lure of scones winning out over the lure of any of the lunch options!

Luckily the quiet ship has visual aids so we know which lane to walk in to avoid collisions!

Afternoon trivia, another good effort but no wins yet, there’s always someone brighter!

The days sail all the way down into the Bay of Biscay remained windy, mostly cloudy and cool with a slightly rough sea, no-one on deck sunbathing, everyone staying inside.

This evening we are boldly going to the main dining room, pretty good if rather located in the bowels of the ship without a view, food and service well up to standard.

Next the show, Rock Opera, exceptionally good, all the entertainers very good, musicians and singers, no weak link in the whole group, and the costumes positively dazzling.  What would the entertainment team do without “The Greatest Showman” numbers?

Time for coffee before returning to our room to relax with a bit of a movie.

Friday 1st October 2021

A bit brighter today as we head north into the Irish Sea.

Normal pattern of events for the morning.

The day moved on without much prompting and all too soon it was early evening and time for the Captain’s Circle Cocktail Party.

Quick spruce up and in to meet the Captain.  Free drinks, normally so much of an attraction, less so whilst just about everyone on board has a drinks package, so “free” drinks all the time, well up to 15 alcoholic every day, some of us can’t get anywhere near that anyway.  Sadly no canapés!

Couple of short speeches of welcome, a quick sales pitch, a silly game and champers for the three most travelled couples and we’re all done.

I should mention that the Captain said the ship was laid up during the pandemic mostly off Cyprus when not repatriating crew to their homes around the world.  He seemed genuinely wistful when talking about when he was wandering the ship with only about 200 crew and no passengers aboard, it was strange for us to not have cruising opportunities but obviously strange for them to see the ship deserted.

Dinner tonight in Alfredo’s Pizzeria, a week is so short to try all the different dining options, so it’s Pizza today.  A very good Calzone and a Hawaiian Pizza (well what else, no banana option) to share, the only problem being Hawaiian with no Pineapple, none on the ship!  Things are getting desperate when the food starts running out!

Just time for a coffee and a Baileys before calling it a day.

Day 2 - Portland, Dorset

Wednesday 29th September 2021

Just berthing in Portland as the sun came up, looking promising for the day.

Nice easy day in prospect, somewhat surprised to find this is not a tender port but it certainly makes a quick shore visit much simpler.  

As usual a good start is breakfast followed by a bit of trivia then it’s morning coffee before an expedition ashore.  Portland port does not allow foot traffic so it’s onto the shuttle bus, second stop at Portland Castle seemed far enough.  There doesn’t seem to be much in Portland and the castle is less than inspiring, also the wind definitely on the cool side so after a walk round to see the sea it’s back on the bus for a return to the ship.

Lunch on the balcony in the sun and out of the wind with a fine view across to Weymouth and the chalk cliffs beyond.

An afternoon walk on the top deck seemed a good idea to burn off a few calories.  And on to the next trivia, this time with an old friend and trivia team member who we discovered was on board while having our morning coffee.

The whole ship seems pretty quiet, apparently there are only 1200+ passengers out a possible 3500+, so lots of empty rooms and generally short queues, there are some benefits to this weird year.  Fortunately there are also around 1200 crew on  board to look after us, so it’s close to 1 to 1.

This afternoon we also discovered that this evening’s theme in the buffet was Mexican, so dinner in the main restaurant cancelled and the plan changed.

Dinner was delicious, so of course we ate too much!  Also during dinner the sun set after a day pretty much without a cloud, don’t think we will be able to say the same again in the next few days, just outside the breakwater the dolphins laid on a short display of their acrobatics on the wash, spectacular.

Back to the cabin to relax and digest, and that’s it for today.

Day 1 - Southampton

28th September 2021

The great day has arrived.  Away we go to the port of Southampton to join our cruise aboard the Sky Princess.  Definitely a bit of a shock to the system to break our enforced abstinence from cruise ships, not been  cruising since March 2020, just at the start of the pandemic.  Should be safe, everyone double jabbed and tested before boarding.

Entering the port via dock gate 20 drove along to the Covid testing site near the Mayflower Terminal.  Arrived about 11.15 and joined a short queue, quick check of our vaccination records and that it matched our passports, then on to confirm mobile numbers, then on again for the actual Covid test, just a nasal swab.  That all went smoothly and we could exit the port at dock gate 10 and continue to re-enter at dock gate 4 to arrive at Ocean Terminal at about 11.30, very quick. (Luckily only one ship loading today so not too busy).

Joined to the queue for parking, looked ominous but actually only about 10 mins before agent booked the car in, took photos and we could leave taking our luggage to the terminal, cases to the porters and set off to book in, negative covid results arriving as we walked along, hooray.

Booking in very easy, everything done online before we left home, so just a quick check and a negative test result and we could collect our Medallions, whizzed through security and we were on board, reaching our stateroom before 12.15.

Looks like the whole covid procedure is working quite well and the staff remain cheerful and efficient, much less stressful than anticipated.

All new muster drill in use now, just watch a cartoon of what to do, visit your muster station and then later listen to the Captains welcome and pep-talk, and that’s it, every cruise easier and easier.

Time for coffee and a snack then explore the ship.

We are up by the blue wave!

Time to unpack, meet our room steward and take a breather, been a busy day!

Off to the Vista Lounge (Elite Guests only - that’s us!) for delectable delights and to start on our beverage package.

Fortunately today it’s Mexican theme, salsa and guacamole.

No views out so missed the sailaway, no great loss as weather not conducive, no sailaway party on deck today, delayed till tomorrow.

Then it’s off to the buffet for dinner, we were too late to book a table in the restaurant so the buffet substituted.  Coffee and liqueurs in the atrium.

Time to relax back in our stateroom, long day.

Day - minus a few - 24th September 2021


Wow, taking the plunge, well dipping a toe anyway, time to get back to cruising, of course Covid permitting.

So, off in a few days to join the Sky Princess for a short coastal jaunt with just a few optional ports, all in the UK. 

More (much?) to follow about the boarding procedure necessary to ensure a safe and healthy cruise after we have sailed.