Day 3 and 4 - at Sea

Thursday 30th September 2021

Overcast  today  as we cruised the English Channel, a fairly circuitous route near the French coast, apparently to follow the traffic separation lanes and to spend the time as we have two days to get to Belfast, a surfeit allowing for a leisurely sail.

The days falling, already, into a pattern, breakfast in the buffet followed by the morning trivia, then morning coffee.

Just for a change as the weather cool and cloudy it’s off to the gym to build an appetite rather than a promenade around the deck.

Managed to skip lunch and hold out until afternoon tea, the lure of scones winning out over the lure of any of the lunch options!

Luckily the quiet ship has visual aids so we know which lane to walk in to avoid collisions!

Afternoon trivia, another good effort but no wins yet, there’s always someone brighter!

The days sail all the way down into the Bay of Biscay remained windy, mostly cloudy and cool with a slightly rough sea, no-one on deck sunbathing, everyone staying inside.

This evening we are boldly going to the main dining room, pretty good if rather located in the bowels of the ship without a view, food and service well up to standard.

Next the show, Rock Opera, exceptionally good, all the entertainers very good, musicians and singers, no weak link in the whole group, and the costumes positively dazzling.  What would the entertainment team do without “The Greatest Showman” numbers?

Time for coffee before returning to our room to relax with a bit of a movie.

Friday 1st October 2021

A bit brighter today as we head north into the Irish Sea.

Normal pattern of events for the morning.

The day moved on without much prompting and all too soon it was early evening and time for the Captain’s Circle Cocktail Party.

Quick spruce up and in to meet the Captain.  Free drinks, normally so much of an attraction, less so whilst just about everyone on board has a drinks package, so “free” drinks all the time, well up to 15 alcoholic every day, some of us can’t get anywhere near that anyway.  Sadly no canapés!

Couple of short speeches of welcome, a quick sales pitch, a silly game and champers for the three most travelled couples and we’re all done.

I should mention that the Captain said the ship was laid up during the pandemic mostly off Cyprus when not repatriating crew to their homes around the world.  He seemed genuinely wistful when talking about when he was wandering the ship with only about 200 crew and no passengers aboard, it was strange for us to not have cruising opportunities but obviously strange for them to see the ship deserted.

Dinner tonight in Alfredo’s Pizzeria, a week is so short to try all the different dining options, so it’s Pizza today.  A very good Calzone and a Hawaiian Pizza (well what else, no banana option) to share, the only problem being Hawaiian with no Pineapple, none on the ship!  Things are getting desperate when the food starts running out!

Just time for a coffee and a Baileys before calling it a day.

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