Day 15 - Southampton

Saturday 10th February 2024

Early start berthed in Southampton, cool and damp.

Snack for breakfast in the cabin then last check round to make sure nothing forgotten and out of the cabin by 8am.

Went off to join our disembarkation group, everywhere busy so just joined the queue to leave the ship.

Soon off and quickly picked up our cases and to collect the car key.

Bit of trouble finding the car, directions a bit vague, plenty of others wandering the car park in a similar situation.  Eventually found the car and then off we go to start our journey home.

Day 14 - at Sea

Friday 9th February 2024

Good start today, early enough to make it to Coral for breakfast, our last chance this cruise.

Then to morning trivia, themed today on natural phenomena, 16/20 equal first and then we won the tiebreak, stickers all round, hooray!

Morning coffee in the Vista.

The ship on another detour, this time toward Brest for another medical evacuation of a sick passenger.  Quite a delayed helicopter airlift this time while the winchman, a doctor and a paramedic put onboard and then everyone reloaded back onto the helicopter.

Back on course.

Last part of the progressive quiz, overall ended up about 4th well behind the winners.

Another chance to visit the Olive Grove for lunch, what can I say but delicious.

Time for prize redemption, new procedure for getting prizes on this ship, still a total shambles, anyway got our prizes and time for a congratulatory cuppa.

Tonight to the Dome for the aerial show, “Spark”.

Horizon buffet for a snack and to collect a few bits for the morning.

Finished the packing and put the cases out ready for disembarkation tomorrow.

Day 13 - at Sea

Thursday 8th February 2024

Fairly early start, once more made it to the Coral for Breakfast and just made it to the morning trivia.

Popped up for a sales pitch about longer cruises by the future cruise lady, didn’t learn much other than not to sit where the icy cold blast comes in every time anyone entered from the open decks!

Morning coffee looking out over the high seas and high winds, much more fun with some proper at sea weather even if it is overcast and pretty cool.

Another sea day so there is another progressive quiz, 5 points per right answer today, a very hard lot of questions, only 11/20.

A little afternoon tea in the buffet.

The ship made a slight detour toward la Corunna to enable the  medical evacuation of a passenger to be airlifted by helicopter, then back on course for Southampton.

Brodies challenge, guess what 14/20 again.

Dinner in the Quays, actually managed to be there on a day they served beef in black bean with noodles.  Managed to miss this option every other visit!

Day 12 - Lisbon, Portugal

Wednesday 7th February 2024

Better effort today to make it to the Coral for breakfast and the morning trivia followed by morning coffee in the Vista.

Time for a visit ashore, pleasant walk along the river front and up into town to purchase some Pasties de Nata, an essential task for trips to Lisbon.

Back to enjoy a Pastie with a cuppa.

Made it to the music quiz again, fair score.

Afternoon tea in the buffet before sailaway.

Brodies challenge, our usual 14/20!

Fish and chip supper in the Quays, going to miss this option.

Day 11 - Lisbon, Portugal

Tuesday 6th February 2024

Today a misty approach to Lisbon and a rather more prompt waking giving us time for breakfast in the Coral and time to get to the morning trivia.

Made further use of our balcony sitting in the sun, not the best day but still reasonably warm and sunny.

A late lunch in the Olive Grove today, very good again.  It’s been much more difficult to book the Olive Grove this cruise, it has been somewhat busier but by no means full.  It appears they cannot service any of the restaurants if they are anywhere near full.

Even managed to finish lunch in time for the music quiz, still nowhere near a winning score.

Time for a relaxing cuppa.

Took a walk round decks 17, 18 and 19.  This is whole area we never visit, never found the need, even though lots of open deck with sun-beds, hot-tubs, etc.

Brodies challenge, 16/20, improving?

Rest and relax.

I wonder if while we are in Lisbon for an overnight stop who, apart  for probably some of the crew, is staying out till all hours? and why?

Day 10 - Cadiz, Spain

Monday 5th February 2024

Here we go again, announcement of arrival in Cadiz.  This time back to sleep again, so late again, so buffet breakfast.

Morning coffee then out in a rather watery sun in comfy chairs on the prom, temperature still pleasant enough.

Quite tempted to go ashore for a walk round town, we very much like Cadiz, couldn’t quite drum up the enthusiasm so another day on board.

Music quiz then a cuppa while relaxing.

Beach House tonight for dinner, as delicious as ever.

Time to digest.

Day 9 - at Sea

Sunday 4th February 2024

Somehow woke a bit earlier today, in the dark.

Made it to breakfast in the Coral.

Morning trivia, poor score today it was ad slogans, just don’t watch enough ads I guess.

Morning coffee.

Caribbean loyalty guest’s lunch today, same menu as our previous P&O cruise, such is the way they work.

Relaxing afternoon to digest lunchtime excesses, rather cloudy today and the temperatures have peaked already.

Up to the dome for dinner tonight before trivia, themed on the letter J tonight, yet another 14/20, our usual score.

Day 8 - Arriciffe de Lanzarotte


Saturday 3rd February 2024

Slowish start again, so buffet breakfast, coffee, and sit out for some sun.

Tried a knickerbocker glory from Ripples today.

Dinner in Coral and a relaxing evening.

What a busy day.

Day 7 - Gran Canaria

Friday  2nd February 2024

Yet another rude awakening, once more just made the restaurant for breakfast.

Lovely day again.

This morning off ashore fro a walk through the town and across the isthmus to the beach and a chance for a nice paddle in the warm clear waters enjoying the numerous fish swimming about in the shallows.

On the return journey stopped at the Gelato shop for a pistachio cone. 

Back on board for a coffee and a sit out in the sun.

Fitted in a trip to the music quiz, luckily we teamed up with a lady who knew a lot more than we did, notably the more modern songs, still no win, as usual someone had a perfect score, unbeatable.

Last of the sun before dinner in the Coral.

Departure delayed by a sick crew member before sailaway to Arriciffe de Lanzarotte

Day 6 - Tenerife

Thursday 1st February 2024

Once more the 8am announcement woke everyone up.  Even so a bit of a slow start and missed breakfast in the restaurant and even missed the morning trivia.  The timings particularly on port days just don’t fit.

Today it’s really the first proper sunny day, clear skies, no wind, a real pleasure to sit out.  Fitted in a coffee from the Vista and a few laps of the promenade.

Made a visit to the future cruise desk, after a lot of calculations and even more soul searching booked a Caribbean cruise for next January, seemed too good a deal to miss.

Early dinner in the Keel and Cow, Prime Minister Burger has been a long time temptation, excellent.

Another relaxing evening.