Day 7 - Gran Canaria

Friday  2nd February 2024

Yet another rude awakening, once more just made the restaurant for breakfast.

Lovely day again.

This morning off ashore fro a walk through the town and across the isthmus to the beach and a chance for a nice paddle in the warm clear waters enjoying the numerous fish swimming about in the shallows.

On the return journey stopped at the Gelato shop for a pistachio cone. 

Back on board for a coffee and a sit out in the sun.

Fitted in a trip to the music quiz, luckily we teamed up with a lady who knew a lot more than we did, notably the more modern songs, still no win, as usual someone had a perfect score, unbeatable.

Last of the sun before dinner in the Coral.

Departure delayed by a sick crew member before sailaway to Arriciffe de Lanzarotte

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