Day 18 - Home Again

Mayflower Berth, Southampton
Monday 24thOctober 2016

That's it then, home again, soon ashore (apart from the shambolic Cunard procedure for getting the passengers off).
Time to look forward to our next cruise, only about four weeks.
Watch this space.

Day 16 and 17 at Sea heading for Southampton

Saturday 22nd October 2016

At sea passing Iberia.
 Cruising up the coast of Portugal in continuing warm and sunny weather.
Another day of just enjoying the pleasures of just cruising.
 Nice shot I just wanted to use

The evening's entertainment in the theatre was the Cunard singers and dancers with a tribute to the music of the movies.

 Sunday 23d October 2016
At sea Bay of Biscay

Another day of waking up before dawn, no clock change till tonight.
Weather definitely gone off, force 9 or 10 winds, four metre seas and overcast skies with rain and drizzle, oh well that's it then.

Rough Seas

This afternoon time to collect our activity reward prizes, skilled (or lucky) enough to have gained 6 stamps this voyage!
Time for packing, the saddest job of the whole cruise.

Day 15 - Cadiz, Spain

Friday 21st October 2016

Trafalgar Day - serendipitously it's the  anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar today and we are in Cadiz, the port from which Admiral Villeneuve departed with the combined French and Spanish fleet only to encounter Nelson and the British fleet near Cape Trafalgar only a few miles south of here and we all know the outcome.
Took advantage of the quiet ship to catch up with washing, just one excitement after another.

Went ashore for a walk round the town, and it is a very nice town, one of our favourites, as suggested by the shore excursion team visited Tavira Tower, for great views over the town from the top. 
View over Cadiz
 Also the tower contains a camera obscura which gave even more fascinating views over the town and came with an informative commentary pointing out all the significant buildings, if only memory was a good as the information.
Back to ship to enjoy the continuing warm and sunny weather, amazing that the weather has continued to be so good for the whole cruise.
Queen Elizabeth

Day 13 and 14 - at Sea enroute to Cadiz

Wednesday 19th October 2016
 First day without that darned alarm clock.

A day of not doing too much at all, very nice.  Weather continues idyllic, warm sun, light wind and calm seas.
Boldly attended the Cunard World Club Party for our free drinks, only had to listen to the Cruise consultant sales pitch for a few minutes in payment.  Most travelled passengers announced, apparently Mr & Mrs Robinson, and statistics on the huge number of combined days cruised by all the World Club members on board.
Skipped the formal dinner, just not ready for another yet, and later went to a spectacular performance in the theatre of strength, balance, acrobatic and aerial agility by a French duo.

Thursday 20th October 2016
Still at sea enroute Cadiz
 Today the Captain gave a most interesting illustrated talk about running the ship and bridge procedures.

Remainder of the day spent quietly drifting along dolphin spotting.

Day 12 - Messina, Sicily, Italy

Tuesday 18th October 2016
Another early start so alarm clock needed yet again today.

Bus tour again today, easier when berthed alongside, away on time and soon whizzing along the motorway to Taormina.
On the way had long views of Etna, later covered by cloud (pity the tour guide didn't actually identify which peak it was), and the village used in the Godfather films.

Guided walk through Taormina, very smart historic little town with a population of 10,000, one of the few parts of the area around Messina not destroyed by the 1908 earthquake and tsunami or by the WW11 bombing.
At the end of the town was the Greco-Roman theatre, the highlight of the site.  A spectacular location with wide views over the sea and toward Etna.  Rather over reconstructed but obviously in frequent use for concerts etc. so needed some proper seating and access.

Strolled back through town visiting the shops and having one of our best ever gelato.
Back on board Queen Elizabeth time for sun.

The evening's entertainment in the theatre was the Cunard singers accompanied by the combined Cunard Orchestra (all 19 of them).

Day 11 - Sarande, Albania

Monday 17th October 2016
Alarm clock needed again today, this is getting to be a bad habit.

Today's stop is Sarande in Albania, this must be the most unusual port of call I could have imagined.  Doesn't seem five minutes ago that I remember this being a closed country, no access to anyone from the outside world and no one from Albania allowed out!, and now we are calling in as an alternative to a call in Turkey due to their troubles.

Tender operations today to get everyone ashore, a slow job at the best of times.  Still at least being on an organised tour we don't have to wait for the early rush to clear.
Once ashore joined our group's bus and set off for Butrint National Park.  A tight fit for the bus through the narrow streets but soon out into the countryside, pleasant and hilly and lots of flooded fields.

Butrint contains the archaeological remains of the Greeks, Romans and Venetians, and probably a few more.  Quite extensive and surprisingly well preserved ruins including a very smart Greco-Roman theatre where we were given a very interesting talk by the resident archaeologist. 

Various other bits such as the Gymnasium, Basilica and several mosaics (these being covered up for protection)
 Lots of cyclamen growing wild to rival those at Olympia, very pretty.
Back in Sarande went for a brief walk round the town before getting the tender back to the ship.

Since 1990 Albania has been bringing itself up to date and trying to develop tourism, lots of building going on and the new Mayor of Sarande has started work on increasing  the 2 hours of water each day up to 24!
 Albania is hoping to join the EU when they have complied with all the entry conditions.

Day 10 - Katakalon, Greece

Sunday 16th October 2016

Alarm clock needed today, a really early start because our tour meeting was set at 8:30.  Not quite sure why so early but there you are. 

Anyway off on our tour to Olympia to see the birthplace of the Ancient Olympic Games and where the Olympic flame is kindled every four years for the Modern Olympics Games (surprised to learn this "tradition" started by Adolf Hitler in 1936 and we still continue to this day) .  Lots of ruins of temples to Greek Gods, Zeus etc. and the original stadium.

Numerous plinths commemorating the one recipient of the Olympic laurel wreath at each games, his main prize being the wreath (other prizes being no need to ever pay tax again!) and also some for the cheats on the other side of the path just so everyone knew who had cheated, with the name of his father and his place of birth. 

One real pleasure of our tour of the site was the abundance of cyclamen growing wild among the fallen stones.
On returning to Katakalon popped back onboard Elizabeth for a coffee before venturing into the town to check out the shops and tavernas, no sale!

Clocks back tonight, thankfully as we have an another early start tomorrow in Albania.





Day 9 - Iraklion, Crete

Saturday 15th October 2016

Today berthed in Iraklion, on Crete quite near the main town, the port providing a shuttle bus to the port gate, we were in the commercial port and they don't allow pedestrians.  Looked at the HOHO buses but elected to just walk into town, felt like a proper holiday place, full of tourists, shops full of clutter and a harbour full of fishing boats.  Had our first Gelato of this holiday from an Italian in a Greek town.
All sorts of remains from the time of the Venetians including a fine fortress and city walls.

For our afternoon delight the locals were using an empty part of the port to roar round in their souped up cars, very noisily and without any obvious purpose.
After dinner this evening's entertainment were a four piece male harmony group called the Troubadours, which we had seen on a previous cruise and they were again very good.
Got back to our stateroom and found we had been personally invited by Captain Aseem Hashmi to a World Club Party (along with a couple of thousand others!)

Day 8 - Piraeus, Greece

Friday 14th October 2016
Happy Anniversary
Today berthed in Piraeus, the port for Athens.  Decided not  to go into Athens, just had a short walk around Piraeus, not a great spot, just a port city and mostly not very attractive.

Spent the rest of the day onboard the ship enjoying the sun.
Opened our sailaway bottle of Pol Aker before dinner and enjoyed a couple of glasses to celebrate our anniversary (getting quite a taste for champers).

This evening Lorraine Brown entertained us in the Theatre singing mostly 1970/80's hits.

Returned to our stateroom via the Queens Room and we were even more impressed by the passengers performing sequence dancing, now that would be a challenge.

The Ionian Sea

Thursday 13th October 2016

The Ionian Sea

 After passing through the Messina Straits last night yet another day at sea again pretty much out of sight of anything.  Again an easy day of relaxing in the sun.

Tonight boldly chose to attend another formal dinner, just for the lobster tail!, starting to get a bit of a habit, maybe not.

Checked out the dancing in The Queens Ballroom, perhaps that's our next challenge, or perhaps not!


An easier option is to do a jigsaw puzzle.

Day 6 - at Sea between Sardinia and Sicily

Wednesday 12th October 2016
At sea between Sardinia and Sicily
Proper transition day today, out of sight of anything pretty much all day, just a few small islands as Sicily approaches.  An easy day of relaxing in the sun.

Tonight another excellent performance by Zack Winningham with a new selection of songs.

Day 5 - Palma de Mallorca

Tuesday 11th October 2016
Palma de Mallorca
This morning slowly entering the harbour of Palma de Mallorca, very busy spot, already five cruise ships and several ferries berthed.  Slid in sideways between two ships, very neatly done.  Not the best berth in the port, certainly well away from the centre of town.  Restricted ourselves to a short walk from the ship, just far enough to see 'round the corner' and to get a good view of the exterior of the ship.

Enjoyed a nice swim in the pool while the ship was quiet, most having gone ashore into the town, despite a heavy shower of rain.  Rain less troublesome to a swim than walking the streets of Palma, especially as one more cruise ship had arrived and by all reports the town was very busy and spaces on the shuttle bus in great demand!
Sun soon out again so back on deck to enjoy peace and quiet.

The evening entertainment in the theatre provided by the Cunard Singers and Dancers with a tribute to the London Palladium.

Day 4 - Gibraltar and the Mediterranean

Monday 10th October 2016
Gibraltar and the Mediterranean
Rather rude awakening this morning, the steward bringing our 'breakfast in bed' before we had a chance to wake gently.  This was organised as the transit of the Straits of Gibraltar was rather early so figured we would watch from our balcony.  Breakfast very good but sadly not even one dolphin to accompany us.

Another leisurely sea day, weather proper summer now, sea glassy.  Only a few scattered dolphins today.

Day 3 - Passing Iberia

Sunday 9th October 2016
Passing Iberia

Last night passed Finnisterre, and today passed by Portugal and will reach Gibraltar tomorrow morning.

Weather continues to improve, very pleasant temperature and slight seas.
This evening it's the Captain's welcome party and the first formal dinner.  Having promised ourselves we would attend we got dressed up accordingly. 

Dodged actually joining the line to meet the Captain and slipped in the back way (along with quite a few others!).  Glass of something and another chat with someone we will probably never see again, before the Captain gave his little welcome speach and introduced all the Senior Officers.  Then into dinner, same table though now we are eight, only two others from our first dinner.  One of our new table companions being an ex chief engineer of the Union Castle Shipping Line.  He having a wealth of anecdotes to keep us all entertained, the dinner being good in choice and production, the whole dining experience passed very pleasantly without undue strain.  After dinner went to the theatre for this evenings show, Vanity Fair, with the Cunard Singers and Dancers.  And so to bed.

Day 2 - Bay of Biscay

Saturday 8th October 2016

Bay of Biscay
Today traversed the Bay of Biscay Early, weather brightening all day, sea just small waves, all very restful.  Lazy day, just a couple of quizzes to ease us into the cruise.  Enjoyed the sight of large pod of common Dolphins during morning coffee.



After dinner in the Lido Buffet, dropped back into old habits already, watched the evening entertainment in the theatre.  This Evening a young fella from Indiana, Zack Winningham, singing Country and Blues numbers.  Accompanying himself on Guitar, Piano, Ukulele and Harmonica, backed by the Cunard Orchestra.  An excellent show.

Day 1 - Southampton and Queen Elizabeth

Friday 7th October 2016

Southampton and Queen Elizabeth

Early start today, arrived ocean terminal 09.45, previous cruise still disembarking.

Only a short wait, baggage collection opened, soon booking hall opened and very quickly booking and security completed and onto the ship about 11.10.  Quite exceptional and made a pleasure of the process, unlike some previous experiences which have been frustrating and stressful.  Congratulations to Cunard.

Enjoyed a pleasant day finding our way round spotting similarities and differences to Queen Victoria.  managed to fit in coffee and food breaks as well as emergency drill and sailaway.

All too soon time to get ready for our dinner in the main restaurant,  we had determined that we would dip a toe into the 'proper' world of dining and not just enjoy the delights of the buffet.

Experience proved much less of an ordeal than expected, very pleasant table companions, conversation flowed easily and food choices and presentation more than acceptable.

Seems a long day so retired to our stateroom for the remaining time before sleep.

Portsmouth Historic Dockyard

Thursday 6th October 2016

Portsmouth Historic Dockyard.

Today visited the dockyard.  The plan was to 'do' the Mary Rose and then see what time and energy remained.

After the obligatory coffee went straight to the Mary Rose Museum, starting with the first exhibits then proceeding past the mid-deck of the actual ship we eventually reached the second set of exhibits on this level.  Sounds easy doesn't it, actually took over two hours just to do a reasonably full viewing of just this part, in need of a break, so lunch called.  The exceptional amount of 'stuff', with information and the superb presentation of the ship now clear of spraying equipment etc. was all absorbing and very tiring.

After lunch took advantage of the harbour tour to see the Royal Navy and spend some time outdoors.

Finished the day with a look round the boatbuilding shed - and a welcome cup of tea, before returning to Soton.

Anticipation rising

Tis the season of misty mornings and autumn fruitfulness...

and as departure approaches it's time to get planning for available space.

As usual we will need a holiday to recover from getting ready.