Day 15 - Cadiz, Spain

Friday 21st October 2016

Trafalgar Day - serendipitously it's the  anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar today and we are in Cadiz, the port from which Admiral Villeneuve departed with the combined French and Spanish fleet only to encounter Nelson and the British fleet near Cape Trafalgar only a few miles south of here and we all know the outcome.
Took advantage of the quiet ship to catch up with washing, just one excitement after another.

Went ashore for a walk round the town, and it is a very nice town, one of our favourites, as suggested by the shore excursion team visited Tavira Tower, for great views over the town from the top. 
View over Cadiz
 Also the tower contains a camera obscura which gave even more fascinating views over the town and came with an informative commentary pointing out all the significant buildings, if only memory was a good as the information.
Back to ship to enjoy the continuing warm and sunny weather, amazing that the weather has continued to be so good for the whole cruise.
Queen Elizabeth

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