Day 11 - Sarande, Albania

Monday 17th October 2016
Alarm clock needed again today, this is getting to be a bad habit.

Today's stop is Sarande in Albania, this must be the most unusual port of call I could have imagined.  Doesn't seem five minutes ago that I remember this being a closed country, no access to anyone from the outside world and no one from Albania allowed out!, and now we are calling in as an alternative to a call in Turkey due to their troubles.

Tender operations today to get everyone ashore, a slow job at the best of times.  Still at least being on an organised tour we don't have to wait for the early rush to clear.
Once ashore joined our group's bus and set off for Butrint National Park.  A tight fit for the bus through the narrow streets but soon out into the countryside, pleasant and hilly and lots of flooded fields.

Butrint contains the archaeological remains of the Greeks, Romans and Venetians, and probably a few more.  Quite extensive and surprisingly well preserved ruins including a very smart Greco-Roman theatre where we were given a very interesting talk by the resident archaeologist. 

Various other bits such as the Gymnasium, Basilica and several mosaics (these being covered up for protection)
 Lots of cyclamen growing wild to rival those at Olympia, very pretty.
Back in Sarande went for a brief walk round the town before getting the tender back to the ship.

Since 1990 Albania has been bringing itself up to date and trying to develop tourism, lots of building going on and the new Mayor of Sarande has started work on increasing  the 2 hours of water each day up to 24!
 Albania is hoping to join the EU when they have complied with all the entry conditions.

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