Day 9, Gibraltar

Wednesday 30th November 2016

Here we go again, another mild but overcast day with the treat of rain.  Wondered about a walk into town, but delayed going until weather decides what it’s doing.  So fitted in another quiz, just to keep our hand in, and gained another couple of stamps!
After morning coffee got all ready to venture out and the Captain decided that the ship movement was too much and halted shore access, so that was that!
Early afternoon sailaway, weather quite windy but not too rough.  As usual in the Straits of Gibraltar on the look out for dolphins, not a one, but did spot a sun fish.

Sun Fish
Relaxing afternoon trying not to do too much.
Dinner, not formal this time, in the main restaurant.  Nice bit of roast turkey with trimmings.
Theatre this evening presented a pair of acrobat/dancers with a show of balance, strength and aerial work.
Clocks back one hour tonight, back to UK time now.

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