Days 11 and 12, at Sea en-route Southampton

Friday 2nd December and Saturday 3rd December 2016

Today, Friday, decided to try out the Britannia restaurant for breakfast, OK but still not as good as the buffet even if there a waiters serving everything.
All ready to take advantage of weather and take a few turns round the promenade deck when the Captain closed all the outside decks for helicopter operations.  Someone needed to be evacuated from the ship to a shoreside hospital in Spain.  Helicopter hovered above rear deck to winch patient and partner aboard.

This afternoon we spent on the “behind the scenes” ship tour.  Visited many areas of the ship not normally accessible by the passengers.  Backstage in the theatre, the mooring deck, the medical centre, the fire control room, the engine control room, garbage disposal, food storage and preparation areas, the galley and the bridge.  A vast amount of information given about so many aspects of running the ship and providing for the passengers, mind boggling.  Expected a couple of hours duration but over four hours by the time we were ‘released’.  No pictures allowed, security!

 Formal dinner tonight, including the ‘march of the chefs’ and the famous baked alaska dessert, no longer flaming!

Then to the theatre for tonight's show with the singers and dancers, “Palladium Nights”.

Today, Saturday, not much on today, will need to start packing soon!
Nice sunny day, though definitely much cooler, and sea a bit choppy.
Morning trivia, no luck, running out of chances for more stamps, 16 so far, will need to redeem this afternoon.  Bit of shopping and morning coffee.

Our Wake

Finished the day with a couple of trivia's one final win, in the wipeout trivia, a bottle of 'fizzy pop' as the prize.  

Enjoyed all the quizzes we attended and met a great group of fellow quiz buffs.  A couple from Scotland living in Portsmouth and a couple from St Albans! Small world.

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