Day 3 - at Sea

Sunday 8th October

Breakfast and then time to enjoy the sun out on the promenade deck. 

Sailing east this morning in very deep water, about 3800 metres heading towards the Grand Banks off Newfoundland, where the water is much shallower, about 100 metres.
Ships Bell, used at noon on sea days
Approaching the Grand Banks, where we were promised the chance of some whale watching, the weather cooled noticeably and quite soon we entered some thick fog.  The fog horn started blasting and everyone moved inside, visibility less than the length of QM2.

Tonight is the welcome cocktails with Captain Christopher Wells.

So on with the posh gear and down to the Queens Room.  Captain not in attendance, looking after the ship in the fog!  So Deputy Captain officiated.  Bit of a chat about the numbers and various nationalities of the passengers and crew.

Then off to dinner in the Britannia Restaurant, might as well make the most of getting dressed up. 

After dinner off to the theatre for tonight's performance of "Apassionata"   by the Cunard Singers and Dancers, all very good and most energetic.

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