Days 7 and 8 - Plymouth, Massachusetts

Saturday 30th September

Out for breakfast at the Ihop, very slow service, due to the cook not having arrived, puncture on his way to work, though breakfast good.

Some rain overnight and temperatures well down, but the day's weather doesn't look as pessimistic as predicted.

Went down to the town, viewed the Plymouth Rock.  Supposedly the rock where the Pilgrim Fathers first stepped ashore in America.  A disappointingly unspectacular piece of rock.

Decided that even though weather rather cool we would take the Whale Watch trip today.  So bought our tickets and joined the queue for the boat.  Soon onboard a happily fairly large boat  and the off to see the whales.

Longish trip out from harbour, about 90 mins, the stooged around for quite a while without luck.  Moved a couple of times, no luck.  Last chance before abandoning the day, and success, Humpbacks, right by the boat, and then more also very close and then some more.

Spot the Whale?
All too soon heading back to Plymouth.  More sightings, fair way off, but these were breaching (that is jumping out of the water, not bad for a 40 ton 40 foot whale!), a very rare occurrence in these waters, according to the naturalist on board.

Sorry about the blur
Screenshot form a video, distant subject, moving boat!

Weather continued cool, just a couple of showers and sea not too rough at all.  Some passengers might disagree but we were fine.

Got back to town a bit later than planned, just about getting dark.

Dinner and then definitely time for recovery.

 Sunday 1st October

Better day today, clear and sunny and comfortable though not high temperatures.

Down to town, parked and walked along to the Pilgrim Hall Museum.  Introductory film describing the arrival and first year of the "Pilgrims" and their interaction with the native population.  The museum had exhibits of all sorts of artefacts, paintings, furniture etc.

Then off along the main street, stopped for a coffee and a cannoli.

Next to view the Spooner House, closed.

And so on to the Mayflower Society House.

Mayflower Society House
We took the guided tour of the house. The house originally belonged to the grandson of Edward Winslow who was a Separatist who travelled on the Mayflower in 1620.

Later owners extended the original house extensively.  The house is full of historic bits and pieces to show it's development over the years all with an emphasis on the Mayflower connection.

All around the town were gaily painted lobster statues.

This is just one of many
Quick stop at the National Monument of the Forefathers.  Couldn't quite get to the Sparrow House, too many roads closed and the one-way system.  So, time for dinner then back to finish the packing.

Being Sunday lots of American Football to watch before bed.

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