Day 5 - Valetta, Malta

Wednesday 26th September 2018

The George Cross island has always held a special place in the hearts of the British. Over the centuries its strategic position has invited invaders from all quarters of the compass and they have left everything from prehistoric temples and cart ruts through catacombs, palaces and churches to massive fortifications, all packed into a rocky, barren looking island smaller than the Isle of Wight.

This morning docked in Grand Harbour, Valetta, Malta, already berthed before we woke up.

No trip for us today so not too much rush to get ready.
So its breakfast then morning trivia.  Time for a coffee and then get ready to go ashore.  Stopped off on our way out to join the cryptic Corner quiz.
We were the only ones there so we won, surprise surprise, and collected our first prize stamps of this cruise.

So we went ashore for a walk around the town. The weather still windy, rather cloudy but quite warm anyway.

Typical Valetta street, steep and overlooked by many balconies

Nice walk round, busy with tourists in a few popular places but mostly quite quiet.  Bought some bottles of coke from St Paul’s Store, should be good stuff.

Thought it about time for a proper ship picture

Back to the ship to take advantage of the laundry while everyone ashore, never miss a good opportunity.

Time this pm to watch the new Star Wars prequel "Solo" on the TV.  Not quite sure about it and whether it adds much to the series.  Might need a few viewings before final judgement.

Then tonight to Lido for curry theme dinner and then off to the theatre for the "Barricade Boys" show.  Four chaps from LesMis and other shows with a collection of various numbers from the charts and the stage, very good.

Early start again tomorrow for excursion.

Just an interesting picture, seems everywhere we go in the world old cannons are used as bollards!

Day 4 at Sea in the Ionian Sea

Tuesday 25th September 2018

Nice sunny day, delightful temperature despite the gale face wind. Luckily its' following the ship so the wind over the deck is greatly reduced. However the wind is making for an entertaining sea, Biggish waves and a fine spin drift, endlessly watchable stuff the moods of the ocean.
One of those wonderful sea days, so little to do and all day to do it, marvellous.

Actually managed to book a couple of excursions for later in the cruise.

Dinner in the main restaurant today, having already checked the menu for some fairly good choices.

Also attended our next cocktail party, this time it's the sales department for future cruises, 'World Club', hosting.

Didn't manage to get to tonight's show in the theatre, time just ran out,  hopefully it will be on again later.

Day 3 - Korcula, Croatia

Monday 23rd September 2018

The town of Korcula hugs a small, hilly peninsula jutting into the Adriatic Sea from Korcula Island. With its round defensive towers and compact cluster of red-roofed houses, Korcula is a typical medieval Dalmatian town with a mild climate, beautiful monuments, treasures and architecture.

When we woke up we had already anchored in the bay just off Korcula, looks like a lovely day in prospect.  Warm and sunny.
Tender operations today. The Captain has however decided to shorten our stay as the forecast is for strong winds this afternoon.  So, last tender back to the ship 12:30.
After breakfast collected our tender tickets and waited, not too long, till our turn to board the tender.  Only a short ride to shore.

Then we had a walk round the old walled town. An interesting place of narrow streets and full of churches. Now most prominent are the souvenir shops and cafes. Many old buildings seem to have gargoyles and brackets on the walls for no obvious reason, strange.

Only a couple of hours here, so soon back on the tender to return to ship in time for a coffee and a very light snack.

Time this afternoon to catch up on sorting photos and updating notes.

Pretty much on time the wind arrived, just after we had left our anchorage. The afternoon wind must be very reliable to time it so well.  Here this wind is called the Bora, with it arrived the showers and the cloud. The sea picked up to quite a chop though the ship remained quite stable with the occasional list.

Decided this afternoon to have afternoon tea in the Queen Room. Very sophisticated, all the waiters in their white jackets and gloves.

Checked out the dining room menu, not bad, so it's off to the main dining room this evening for dinner.  Two different table companion today. I wonder if all six will ever eat together?

Day 2 - at Sea in the Adriatic.

Sunday 23rd September 2018

First proper day at sea must mean it's the first proper day of the cruise. Slow start, late breakfast. Then time to wander round the ship and find a seat in the sun.

Just a few nachos to keep us going. Stayed for the music quiz with DJ Melo . Fair result, not very good as usual (bring back our music team) Quiz a bit too long and drawn out, started to loose interest toward the end, we also missed the wine tasting due to the time it took for him to give the answers.

Enough sun so back to cabin to while away an hour or so before cocktails with the Captain (and a couple of hundred other guests)! Captain Simon Love on this leg of the cruise.  Nice to see just a couple of familiar staff and passengers.
Not much of interest on the main dining room menu, so it’s up to the buffet for some dinner.

Then time to get to the theatre to secure our box!
Tonights show “Dance Passion”. Very good dancers and singers in a production show with a emphasis on Eastern Europe, must be something to do with the origins of the dancers, maybe?

Another early night to catch up on sleep, tomorrow in Korcula.

Day 1 - Venice, Italy

Saturday 22nd, September 2018

Venice, long revered as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, lies at the head of the Adriatic Sea in the salt-water Laguna Veneta. Resplendent with graceful palaces and churches, the city is built on 118 small islands and laced with a unique network of canals and bridges. Full of enchanting discoveries from  architectural delights to the romance of the gondola.

Our Route , Part one

Crack of dawn start today, 3:30 alarm, and out of the hotel room in about an hour.

Bit of confusion at the airport, all the book-in and baggage check handled by machines (not much in the way of instruction), luckily the staff who were about were very friendly and helpful so all went well in the end.  The 3 hour wait at the airport didn't seem too long. Soon to boarding gate and onto the plane on time.  Nice comfy seats and plenty of legroom.

Quite enjoyed the flight for the first ten minutes and then boredom set in. Glad its only 90 minutes.
Not much view, cloudy most of the way, glimpses of the ground and a few alpine peaks, not much else.

Soon coming down to land at Treviso airport, hardly time to update notes.
Treviso about an hours bus ride  from Venice. Fortunately our cases were handled by Cunard, so not to be seen between Heathrow and Queen Victoria.

Treviso looked a nice little town.  On the way to Venice went went past the Fincantieri ship yard, well known name for building cruise ships, like most of the mainland part of Venice not so appealing to look at.

Our Itinerary, Part one

Booking in at the port quite easy, and with our ‘Diamond’ status we were soon on board. Went straight up to our stateroom. Very nice. Lots of invites to all our loyalty benefits events.

Off for a walk round to explore and had a hotdog for lunch, good start with keeping down the calories!
Back to check if cases have arrived, they soon did. So unpacked and enjoyed a short relax before attending the emergency drill.

Then time for dinner in the main restaurant. Table 558, table for six, only two others today, two missing.

Back to cabin to rest again, it has been a very long day. Sailaway about 10:30, had to stay awake to enjoy the sights of Venice as we start our cruise sailing out of Venice down the canal and out into the Adriatic.

Sail out, St Mark's by night

Day 0 - Heathrow Airport, England

Friday 21st September 2018

Despite warning of traffic congestion on the M25 the journey to the hotel whizzed by.  Our very kind driver must have had miraculous powers as the road cleared before our very eyes.

Very nice hotel, very plush and hushed.  Booked in and found our room .  Minimal unpacking then a walk across to the airport terminal. Easy walk, nice and quick.  Just a sandwich and banana for dinner whist relaxing in our room.  Complementary glass of house red wine to follow, perfect to help with an early night to get us off to sleep.

Yes it's Heathrow not the Caribbean

Early to bed early to rise, silly time needed to get to our flight.