Day 5 - Valetta, Malta

Wednesday 26th September 2018

The George Cross island has always held a special place in the hearts of the British. Over the centuries its strategic position has invited invaders from all quarters of the compass and they have left everything from prehistoric temples and cart ruts through catacombs, palaces and churches to massive fortifications, all packed into a rocky, barren looking island smaller than the Isle of Wight.

This morning docked in Grand Harbour, Valetta, Malta, already berthed before we woke up.

No trip for us today so not too much rush to get ready.
So its breakfast then morning trivia.  Time for a coffee and then get ready to go ashore.  Stopped off on our way out to join the cryptic Corner quiz.
We were the only ones there so we won, surprise surprise, and collected our first prize stamps of this cruise.

So we went ashore for a walk around the town. The weather still windy, rather cloudy but quite warm anyway.

Typical Valetta street, steep and overlooked by many balconies

Nice walk round, busy with tourists in a few popular places but mostly quite quiet.  Bought some bottles of coke from St Paul’s Store, should be good stuff.

Thought it about time for a proper ship picture

Back to the ship to take advantage of the laundry while everyone ashore, never miss a good opportunity.

Time this pm to watch the new Star Wars prequel "Solo" on the TV.  Not quite sure about it and whether it adds much to the series.  Might need a few viewings before final judgement.

Then tonight to Lido for curry theme dinner and then off to the theatre for the "Barricade Boys" show.  Four chaps from LesMis and other shows with a collection of various numbers from the charts and the stage, very good.

Early start again tomorrow for excursion.

Just an interesting picture, seems everywhere we go in the world old cannons are used as bollards!

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