Day 3 - Korcula, Croatia

Monday 23rd September 2018

The town of Korcula hugs a small, hilly peninsula jutting into the Adriatic Sea from Korcula Island. With its round defensive towers and compact cluster of red-roofed houses, Korcula is a typical medieval Dalmatian town with a mild climate, beautiful monuments, treasures and architecture.

When we woke up we had already anchored in the bay just off Korcula, looks like a lovely day in prospect.  Warm and sunny.
Tender operations today. The Captain has however decided to shorten our stay as the forecast is for strong winds this afternoon.  So, last tender back to the ship 12:30.
After breakfast collected our tender tickets and waited, not too long, till our turn to board the tender.  Only a short ride to shore.

Then we had a walk round the old walled town. An interesting place of narrow streets and full of churches. Now most prominent are the souvenir shops and cafes. Many old buildings seem to have gargoyles and brackets on the walls for no obvious reason, strange.

Only a couple of hours here, so soon back on the tender to return to ship in time for a coffee and a very light snack.

Time this afternoon to catch up on sorting photos and updating notes.

Pretty much on time the wind arrived, just after we had left our anchorage. The afternoon wind must be very reliable to time it so well.  Here this wind is called the Bora, with it arrived the showers and the cloud. The sea picked up to quite a chop though the ship remained quite stable with the occasional list.

Decided this afternoon to have afternoon tea in the Queen Room. Very sophisticated, all the waiters in their white jackets and gloves.

Checked out the dining room menu, not bad, so it's off to the main dining room this evening for dinner.  Two different table companion today. I wonder if all six will ever eat together?

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