Day 4 - Trondheim, Norway

Friday 30th June 2017

"Founded by Viking King Olav Tryggvason.  A trading post since 997.  Trondheim was once Norway's capital.  As a city it was founded on 1st January 1838.  Today Trondheim is Norway's third-largest city resting at the southern shore of the Trondheimsfjord, right at the entryway of the mighty Nidelva River.  Population 183,960.  Trondheim is only 500 kilometers from the Arctic Circle, but the warm Gulf Stream gives Trondheim  a fairly mild climate.  Moderate snow falls from November to March."

Today, Sunrise 3:10am / Sunset 11:32pm

After picking up our Pilot at 5.00 The journey to Trondheim was 90 miles up Trondheimsfjord.

Docked around noon, weather really nice and warm and sunny, expected 22 degrees and looks like more.

Soon got ourselves ready and caught the shuttle bus into town.  Bus dropped us at the Nidaros Domkirke (the Cathedral), site of the burial of King Olav and despite the burning down of several cathedrals on this site, still the Cathedral.  The present one built in the 1800's.

From there went down to the Gamle Bybro (town bridge) with fine views along the Nidelva River and the old storehouses lining its banks.

Nidelva River and Storehouses

Circling round and through the town, a very prosperous and popular shopping and university area to the Market Square which contains a tall column surmounted with a statue of Olav Tryggvason, the column doubling up as a giant sundial.  Then made our way back to the ship, on foot,  many interesting and colourful old buildings along the way.

Back on board for refreshments and time to sit in the sun in the expectation of much less desirable weather in the days to come above the Arctic Circle.  Temperature this afternoon reached 30 degrees in the shade on our balcony.

Planning for dinner from the buffet on the open deck this evening, main dining room dinner at 5:30 much too early on such a nice day.

Day 3–Bergen, Norway

29th June - Bergen    

"City founded early in 11th century. One of the four trading posts of the Hanseatic League from the 13th century, mainly famous for the export of dried cod.
Mild and very wet climate, fine views over the city (in good weather) from Mount Floyen."

Berthed this morning in Bergen just along the front from the Bryggen, just alongside and dwarfed by the Aida Sol, Queen Elizabeth also just nearby.

The Bryggen, Hanseatic commercial buildings

After breakfast went ashore, walked along past the Bryggen and up to the fish market. Couldn't find a nice ice cream shop (one we visited last time now a Pizzeria). So on our way back had to make do with a couple of very tasty looking cakes to take back to the ship to have with our coffee.


Going to post this while still in Bergen and the internet is in good working order, been warned that further north internet becomes less and less reliable, Rest of the day might appear later.

PS. congratulations on our new great niece.

Late afternoon enjoyed the open decks and dinner from the buffet.

After sunset never really got dark and then the sun was up again.

Day 2 – at Sea

28th June at Sea  

Nice quiet day sailing up along Dogger Bank, grey sky, grey sea (just a bit of movement) and occasional rain.


Formal dinner tonight, all dolled up and very smart, one had French Onion Soup followed by Roast Lamb, and the other had Duck, followed by Beef Medallions.   

Followed in the Cabaret Lounge by the welcome from the Captain, Paul Slight, introduced his officers, gave us the weather forecast for the next couple of days, partly cloudy dry and in the low 20's, promising.  

An item of note in his brief talk was that on the 1st July the sun would rise at 02.45 and then wouldn't set until the 11th July, 10 'full' days of daylight!   

After this a very good production show, Cinematastic, by the singers and dancers, in fact exceptionally good, all very close due to small venue.

Day 1–Dover

27th June - Dover  

"Settlement since at least the Stone Age, always strategically important as gateway to Britain at the narrowest part of the English Channel.Notably famous for the White Cliffs and the Castle."    

The Ship

Left home on a nice sunny morning and drove to Dover, stopped for photos at Western Heights then parked on the dock and boarded our cruise ship, Pacific Princess.    New ship to us so spent a few minutes orientating ourselves with the layout, didn't take too long as it's tiny, well it is to us.Sailaway into an ever increasingly grey evening and off into the North Sea.    

The Atrium
 Dinner in the main dining room one of us had Melon followed by Beef and Onion Pie with Garlic chips (chips turned out to be actual garlic pieces in the pie) no veg on offer! and the other had Red Snapper Mojito followed by Basa with a pineapple salsa - as usual we will let you guess who had what.So, soon time for bed, this sea air just makes for tiredness.

Looking Forward to our next Adventure

Sunday 18th June 2017

Just starting to sort out everything needed for our upcoming cruise to the Midnight Sun.

Ports of call

Forecast weather for today here in dear old blighty topping out at about 28 degrees C.

Forecast weather for today in Longyearbyen topping out at 5 degrees C.

Must try and find all that winter clothing which has been put away for the summer.

Day 18 - Southampton

 Wednesday 31st May 2017

Ship berthed early as normal at the Ocean Terminal.  Out of our stateroom by 8.00 and then onto the Waterside buffet for breakfast.  Off the ship about 9.30, end of another great cruise. 
Until the next time ............

Day 16 and 17 - at Sea

Monday 29th May 2017

Another day at sea heading home, today cruising up the coast of Portugal. 
Went to the Arena Theatre this morning for the virtual tour of the Engine Room.  Presented by the ships Chief Engineer, very detailed and interesting covering engines, propulsions, electrics, rudder, water, air con, fire protection, sewage, waste etc etc. 

Outside cooler partly cloudy, slightly more movement of the sea and a couple more dolphins.

This evening Black Tie Event "Captains Peninsular Club Cocktail Party"  Welcome by the deputy Captain Max Rossi and a few words from the Captain Marcin Banach (only one drink came round and missed the canapés).

Dinner tonight in the Waterside Buffet - Thai Oriental menu.

Tuesday 30th May 2017

Today we crossed the Bay of Biscay sea very smooth a few more dolphins spotted today.  Spent a couple of hours packing ready for 'bags out' by 8.00 tonight.

The rest of the day was spent as a normal sea day - out on the balcony when the sun was out, walking around the promenade deck and afternoon tea. 
Sailed into the English channel late afternoon.

Dinner in the Waterside buffet - Country and Western BBQ our favourite.

Day 15 - Gibraltar

 Sunday 28th May 2017
Early arrival and late sunrise robbed us of our best chance of seeing dolphins in the Straits as we sailed in.   
Today was a half day in Gibraltar.  For the first time ever there were Police on the ship by the gangway as we left the ship.  We also noticed armed police in the town as we walked through.  Today just visited the Trafalgar cemetery at the other end of town.  Nice quite oasis in the town ditch just outside the walled town, nicer then it sounds.  Only 2 burials in the cemetery directly associated with the battle.  
Back through the town, via the Gelato shop, to the ship in time for the on deck BBQ.
Avoided the traditional P&O sailaway party, and stayed on our balcony although we could still hear the sounds of Tom Jones etc.
Gibraltar as we sail away

Some dolphins spotted, not many and not very near so no pictures this time unless you want to see a few splashes.
Dinner this evening at the Waterside buffet Best of British (for the 3rd time this cruise although the menu is a bit more varied now).

Day 14 - at Sea

Saturday 27th May 2017

Looks like a repeat of yesterday, very promising.

Just pure pleasure doing very little and enjoying the sun.  All day dolphin watch produced just one turtle!  Perhaps the one we saw before still on its travels.

Quiz about musicals this evening, then off to dinner in the Saffron Restaurant you guessed right one of us had prawns and steak, the other had mixed seafood platter including squid, octopus, prawns and shell fish garnished with octopus ink! followed by Arctic Char.


Day 13 - at Sea

Friday 26th May 2017 

Looking forward to a day at sea.  Nothing to do and all day to do it.

Day started cloudy first thing but then cleared away and the sun come out. 

The Captain held a minutes silence today for those in Manchester. 

Spent the day in the sun on the balcony cruising between the coasts of Sicily and Tunisia. 

Couple of dolphin sightings today, but so far we have hardly seen any this trip.  Hoping for better around Gibraltar. 

Arena Theatre tonight for the Brit Tones second show. Then dinner from the Waterside buffet, Italian theme tonight, sat in the Beachcomber pool area while the roof was open.
Beachcomber Pool with roof open

Couple more dolphins just before sunset.

Day 12 - Katakalon

 Thursday 25th May 2017

Arrived in Katakalon this morning, when we docked here last year we visited the main tourist site of Olympia. So today the plan was to go into the town later and have a traditional Greek lunch, and a wander around the tourist shops.  Our ship was docked at a different berth further away from the town.  Having the sun on our side of the ship, we ended up enjoying the sun on our balcony and didn't quite make it into the town.  Oh well there is always next time.

Black tie event again tonight, so we went to the Saffron Main Restaurant.  One of us had Prawn Cocktail followed by Tandoori Chicken, and the other had Smoked Haddock and Tarragon Arancini and Butter Poached Lobster Tail with Sesame Crusted Prawns.

One of the many sunsets we see from the ship

Day 11 - Crete

Wednesday 24th May 2017

Ventura berthed in the capital of Crete Heraklion.  Another lovely day.  Heraklion is a working port so the port provides shuttle buses to the terminal building.  We waited for the crowd to clear before we went out to catch a shuttle.

Walked along the harbour front to the town and then up the main street, crowded with tourists, shops and street vendors.

Time for a gelato and then back to the ship for some sun.

 Arena Theatre tonight for a performance by the Brit Tones.   

Caribbean BBQ dinner in the Waterside Buffet tonight.

Day 10 - Rhodes

Tuesday  23rd May 2017

Arrived in Rhodes with great views over the walled town and the harbour from the ship.
View from the ship
Breakfast first and then we went ashore for a walk round.  High contrast between ancient historic walls and the endless tourist shops within. 
Time for a gelato.  Continued our walk through one of the gates out to the promontory fortifications.  Then back to the town for another gelato, they were really that good and very cheap. 

A quick stop at a tiny beach for a paddle in some of the clearest water imaginable.

Then back to the ship for coffee and sun.

Dinner in the Saffron Main Restaurant.  One of us had Prawn Cocktail followed by Sirloin Steak, and the other had Middle Eastern Meze Platter and Roasted Skate Wing.

Day 9 - Santorini

 Monday 22nd May 2017

Awoke this morning just sailing into the caldera of Santorini.  Spectacular.  We think it was over 35 years since we were here on a day trip from Crete with Sandra.

Once things had quietened down we took the local tender ashore.  We had decided to take the cable car up to Fira village rather than the poor donkeys, one of us had tried that before and didn't want to repeat the experience. 
View from the Cable Car of the donkey track and the village on top of the cliff
Once up the top we had a walk around the village with lots of photo stops. 
Various views from the town of Fira,
Found a much needed ice cream shop. 

Then back to ship for coffee and some sunbathing. 

Opened our "welcome on board" Champagne for a pre dinner toast. 

Tonight's dinner in the Beach House, steak on lava rock, excellent. 

Tonight's entertainer didn't catch the ship due to the problems BA had, so watched a movie instead.


Day 8 - Piraeus

Sunday 21st May 2017
Sailed into the port of Piraeus, docked at the Thermistocles Terminal.  Looks very smart and newly built, lots of space for excursion coaches, hop on hop off buses, the little blue train, taxis and a local bus!  If we come here again we may consider  taking the HOHO bus to Athens for a change.
View from the ship of the Acropolis Athens
Caught up with our laundry and sat in the sun.  Planned to go ashore today but somehow never happened.
New Captain came on board today, Marcin Banach from Gdansk, Poland. 
Dinner tonight in the Saffron Restaurant.  We both decided on Stifado (Greek stew) not very good as beef needed longer cooking, oh well. 
Lots of lightning this evening.

Day 6 and 7, at Sea

Friday 19th May 2017

Today achieved pretty much nothing. 

This evening Black Tie Night. 
Off to the Main Dining Room Saffron.  We only had to wait a few minutes for a table for two, separated by at least a foot from next tables, but a token gap seems to work.  Dinner tonight for one of us - Prawn Cocktail followed by Sirloin Streak and the other Gravlax of Salmon and then Grilled Stone Bass Fillet with a Devon Crab and Orange Bisque, guess who's was who's!

Saturday 20th May 2017

Usual day at sea, just enjoying the sun and the journey.

 Dinner in the Waterside buffet, Italian theme tonight.

In the Arena Theatre tonight was another Headliners show, Reel to Reel, followed by another  rush down to the other end of the ship to the Havana Lounge to watch  Dean as Freddie, second show, even better than the previous.

Day 5 - Ibiza

Thursday 18th May 2017

Just coming into Ibiza, as expected berthed at the berth about as far from the town as is possible.  Nothing to do with the charges for the shuttle bus, I’m sure.
The old walled city of Ibiza town as we sailed in
After breakfast waited for the queue to die down then took the shuttle into town. 
View of the town after we were dropped off by the shuttle bus
Walked along the front till figured about right for getting to the "Red Gate".  Not quite!  After a detour to the headland behind the lighthouse we went up to Casa Boner, for overlook views. 
Our walk along the city walls
We then walked along by the town wall until we found  the "Red Gate".
Red Gate
After entering the Walled City, we climbed up and up to Baluarte de Santa Lucia, another viewpoint, continuing to the Iglesia de Santa Domingo, we decided that this would be far enough up the hill.
Returning back down through the town, via the gelato shop, to the seafront.

Joined a ridiculously long queue for the shuttle, eventually got back to the ship by an even more ridiculous queue to actually get on board.

Time for a rest on the balcony in the sun.

Tonight off to the Arena Theatre for the Headliners Company show, Hot Ticket, very good.

Straight afterwards to the Havana Club for Dean Richardson as Freddie Mercury, again we have seen him several times.

Finished the evening in the Waterside buffet with a light snack.

Day 4 - At Sea

Wednesday 17th May 2017
Approaching the Straits of Gibraltar, sea rather choppy and no sign of the hoped for Dolphins. 
Gibraltar Rock

Another restful day of not too much activity.
Popped into the Red Bar to listen to the pianist, before going onto the Arena theatre for Ben Makisi 2nd performance of the cruise.
Dinner tonight in the Waterside is one of our favourite "Country and Western", excellent.

Day 3 - At Sea

Tuesday 16th May 2017

Sailing south out of sight of the Portuguese coast, quite a bit of fog about.  Running quite close to P&O Azura who we have been following since Southampton.
P&O Azura
Went to the second part of David Russel’s talk on the air arm of the RN.  Right up to date with the new aircraft carriers under construction, pity there are no planes ready till at least 2020!  Still delays in the carriers and dredging Portsmouth are slowing the commissioning.
Morning coffee at Costa's then out in the sun, fog below, sun above.
Tonight all togged up for the Captain’s reception.  He didn't actually say much and half the attendees talked all through it anyway.  Still free drinks handed out, just the one!

Off to the Arena Theatre for tonight's production show, “Stage Door”, Headliners Company provided a very good show, definitely a better ensemble than usual.

Then time for dinner in the Waterside buffet, this evening "Indian" theme.  Very good.

Day 2 - At Sea

Monday 15th May 2017
Weather continues grey and overcast, rather windy and a moderate sea giving some slight movement to the ship.

View out of our stateroom door
As no chance of sitting out went to the Arena Theatre to listen to the lecture.  Today's by David Russel on Naval Aviation.  Surprisingly interesting all about the navy's attempts at adding aircraft to ships from the earliest days in the 1700’s with idea of hot air balloons, bad idea! through first proper aircraft flown from a ship in 1910, not initially developed further.  Right through two world wars to the brink of the jet age.

Not much going on today so just relaxed and entertained ourselves. 

This evening listened to the pianist in the Red Bar before going to the theatre for a performance by Ben Makisi, a Polynesian Tenor from New Zealand who we have seen on numerous times.

Dinner tonight again in the Waterside buffet but tonight's theme was "Mediterranean", doing quite well for improvements to the menu on this cruise.

Day 1 - Southampton Ocean Terminal

Sunday 14th May 2017

P&O Ventura cruise to the Greek Islands.

Dull and overcast first thing but the sun came out later.  Ship feels pleasantly familiar, though all a bit P&O.

Sailaway with a small glass of champagne and a hot dog BBQ.

Bit of a tour of the ship just to check it out.

Dinner tonight in the Waterside buffet, as expected on the 1st night " Best of British" but with a better selection.
And that's it for today.