Day 3–Bergen, Norway

29th June - Bergen    

"City founded early in 11th century. One of the four trading posts of the Hanseatic League from the 13th century, mainly famous for the export of dried cod.
Mild and very wet climate, fine views over the city (in good weather) from Mount Floyen."

Berthed this morning in Bergen just along the front from the Bryggen, just alongside and dwarfed by the Aida Sol, Queen Elizabeth also just nearby.

The Bryggen, Hanseatic commercial buildings

After breakfast went ashore, walked along past the Bryggen and up to the fish market. Couldn't find a nice ice cream shop (one we visited last time now a Pizzeria). So on our way back had to make do with a couple of very tasty looking cakes to take back to the ship to have with our coffee.


Going to post this while still in Bergen and the internet is in good working order, been warned that further north internet becomes less and less reliable, Rest of the day might appear later.

PS. congratulations on our new great niece.

Late afternoon enjoyed the open decks and dinner from the buffet.

After sunset never really got dark and then the sun was up again.

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