Day 3 - At Sea

Tuesday 16th May 2017

Sailing south out of sight of the Portuguese coast, quite a bit of fog about.  Running quite close to P&O Azura who we have been following since Southampton.
P&O Azura
Went to the second part of David Russel’s talk on the air arm of the RN.  Right up to date with the new aircraft carriers under construction, pity there are no planes ready till at least 2020!  Still delays in the carriers and dredging Portsmouth are slowing the commissioning.
Morning coffee at Costa's then out in the sun, fog below, sun above.
Tonight all togged up for the Captain’s reception.  He didn't actually say much and half the attendees talked all through it anyway.  Still free drinks handed out, just the one!

Off to the Arena Theatre for tonight's production show, “Stage Door”, Headliners Company provided a very good show, definitely a better ensemble than usual.

Then time for dinner in the Waterside buffet, this evening "Indian" theme.  Very good.

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