Day 5 - Ibiza

Thursday 18th May 2017

Just coming into Ibiza, as expected berthed at the berth about as far from the town as is possible.  Nothing to do with the charges for the shuttle bus, I’m sure.
The old walled city of Ibiza town as we sailed in
After breakfast waited for the queue to die down then took the shuttle into town. 
View of the town after we were dropped off by the shuttle bus
Walked along the front till figured about right for getting to the "Red Gate".  Not quite!  After a detour to the headland behind the lighthouse we went up to Casa Boner, for overlook views. 
Our walk along the city walls
We then walked along by the town wall until we found  the "Red Gate".
Red Gate
After entering the Walled City, we climbed up and up to Baluarte de Santa Lucia, another viewpoint, continuing to the Iglesia de Santa Domingo, we decided that this would be far enough up the hill.
Returning back down through the town, via the gelato shop, to the seafront.

Joined a ridiculously long queue for the shuttle, eventually got back to the ship by an even more ridiculous queue to actually get on board.

Time for a rest on the balcony in the sun.

Tonight off to the Arena Theatre for the Headliners Company show, Hot Ticket, very good.

Straight afterwards to the Havana Club for Dean Richardson as Freddie Mercury, again we have seen him several times.

Finished the evening in the Waterside buffet with a light snack.

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