Day 45 - Southampton

Monday 5th November 2018

Early start, packed up last of our luggage and off to breakfast.

Weather trying to cheer up, some breaks in the cloud, quite mild though.

After breakfast time to leave, disembarked and found our driver to get  us home.  Fairly quick run, arrived home in time for late elevenses.

Everything looking Ok  but lawn in serious need of a good mow.

Day 44 - at sea in the Bay of Biscay

Sunday 4th November 2018

Fast run overnight across most the Bay of Biscay to get in front of the weather.  Woke passing the coastline near Brest.  Eased up after passing Ushant and getting into the English Channel.

Weather still looking good, some cloud but still sun breaking though.

Sea had quite a swell 4-5m and still a bit windy but it's mild enough.

Rather late to breakfast, so rushed off to trivia half way through.  Good job too, couple more stamps, then bank to Lido for coffee and fruit to complete our repast, one of the great pleasures of cruising is the fresh fruit every day.

Back to stateroom to get the bulk of the packing done, to leave just the few bits for today’s and tomorrow’s use.

Couple of pods of dolphins passing by, one actually on our side of the ship and not too far away this time.

This evening off to the theatre for tonights show, the Cunard Singers in concert with the Cunard Combined Orchestra, an excellent show.

Then up to the buffet for a late dinner.

Finished off the packing and cases out.

Day 43 - at Sea in the Atlantic

Saturday 3rd November 2018

Dull morning, late sunrise, not that the Sun made an appearance.

Day of catching up. Busy morning, lots to fit in, Officer cocktails this morning, bit early for alcohol!

So a quick breakfast and off to passport control, fortunately very quick, and then morning trivia before coffee and then it’s time to change to go and see the captain.

Made a start on the packing, first go at sorting out that particular chore.
Afternoon trivia today very popular, close run thing but no prize.

Late afternoon just rounding Cape Finisterre, pods of dolphins passing by the ship, sadly not very near.

Dinner in the buffet and back to relax, time is running out.

Day 42 - Gibraltar

Friday 2nd November 2018

A little piece of Britain in the Mediterranean - with its helmeted bobbies, pillar boxes and pubs, you will find Gibraltar a fascinating place to visit.  From the caves and batteries tunnelled into the mountain, to the apes that sit on its slopes, your visit to the Rock will be filled with interesting sights and sounds.

Berthed early this morning in Gibraltar. Looks to be a lovely morning nice clear skies and just a few scattered clouds as the sun comes up.

Clear airs making for good views.  Algeciras in Spain just across the bay and Algeria just across the strait look nearer than they usually do in murkier weather.

Steady start, usual morning tasks.

Then ashore for a walk round the town. Walked around by the old fortifications and the Trafalgar Cemetery. Town quite busy even though only one ship in.  Good views of the rock.

Back on board.

Early sailaway, should have been 2 pm, some delay due to missing passengers.

Out though the straits and into the Atlantic.

That's the last port before Southampton and the last of the Mediterranean.  Lets hope its not the last of the good weather.  Winter is coming soon enough.

Dinner in the main restaurant and then the show in the theatre. Cunard singer and Dancers with "Hollywood Rocks", performances improving all the time, practice makes perfect.

Day 41 - at Sea

Thursday 1st November 2018

Cloudy first thing but soon cleared to leave a lovely day of sun and light winds.

Moving steadily westwards toward Gibraltar.  All day not too far off the Spanish coast.

Just one spotting of dolphins in a group feeding with attendant large flock of seagulls.

Quite a few ships around as we all concentrate to get through the strait.

More good results in the trivia today.

Moving in to the Sea of Alboran.

The day just disappeared, So nothing much achieved, couldn't quite get up the enthusiasm to get out the dress suit so it's up to the buffet for dinner tonight.

Day 40 - Valencia, Spain

Wednesday 31st October 2018

An incredibly exciting place to visit, Valencia is an international city with excellent cultural, architectural and entertaining delights. Situated on the east coast of Spain, it is bathed by the magnificent Mediterranean Sea and rich agricultural lands. Its history, extending back over 2000 years, has been deeply marked by the Roman and Arab cultures.

Happy Halloween.

Today berthed in Valencia, another berth a long way from town.
Weather looking good, scattered clouds, warm air but a bit windy still.  Once more allowed the rush to clear by joining our new trivia team to collect a couple more stamps before going ashore to catch the shuttle bus into town.  Long drive to the drop off at just near the Torres de Serrano.

Then a easy stroll through town, surprisingly enough we decided not to have an ice cream, the weather is just not nice enough.

Not much else going on in town so circled round and caught the bus back to the ship.

Arrived in nice time to have the pub lunch, fish and chips our choice for today.

Then time to relax the afternoon away before a light dinner in the buffet.

Day 39 - Barcelona, Spain

Tuesday 30th October 2018

Capital of Catalonia and Spain’s second largest city.  Everywhere you will see the ornately wrought works of Antonio Gaudi, a local architect, culminating in the surrealistic spires of the yet to be finished Sagrada Familia.  Take a stroll down Las Ramblas, sample local wines and authentic tapas, or visit the home of Barcelona FC.

Just coming into port as we woke this morning, weather much better again.  Light airs, scattered clouds and mild.

Berthed about as far from town as possible, four other ships beat us in.

So breakfast morning trivia and onto the shuttle bus to town.  Usual drop off near the world trade centre.  Lots of greened ringed parakeets in the trees, they seem to have spread everywhere now.

Then we bought ourselves tickets for the harbour boat tour and hung around till time to board. Weather now nice and sunny and temperature in the 20’s.

Boat took us around the harbour up by three of the cruise liners, turned a bit short of the end, and our ship, sadly. Then cruised out into the sea to loop round and then into the inner harbour to view the super yachts.

All in all a nice little ride round.

Then back on the shuttle to return to the ship for a coffee.

Time to sit in the sun, might not get too much more, so made the most of it.

Looks like we have missed the worst of the weather, high wind, heavy rain and tornado's in Italy.

Dinner in the buffet tonight.

Day 38 - Marseille, France

Monday 29th October 2018

The graceful Vieux Port sits guarded by the 12th century Fort St John on the north bank, and the later Fort St Nicholas on the south. Marseille is the second largest city in France and has drawn its lifeblood from the sea for two and a half millennia. Further afield is the city of Avignon, where you can imagine how the popes lived in style and see the famous ‘Pont’, or visit the old capital of Aix and be charmed by its 18th century elegance.

Wet and windy overnight. Still wet and windy here in Marseilles, not exactly warm and very misty.  Where did that Summer go?

Berthed about 9 am alongside the cruise terminal with at least 2 other ships.

Not much chance of a going ashore if the weather doesn't improve.  Spent the morning pretty much an usual, weather eventually dried up though still on the cool side and windy.

The few who ventured into town were not impressed, sadly the weather doesn’t help.  Later the weather deteriorated again so we gave up any thought of going into town.

Those who went further afield were worse off as they didn't get any dry weather, not much fun walking around in the rain.

Figured this to be about the only day this year when we have had such poor weather.

Consolation with dinner in the alternative dining,”Smokehouse" tonight. Delicious American diner menu.

Sailing slightly delayed and much windier outside the breakwater.  The Captain diverted slightly in our overnight route to follow the coast of the Gulf of Lions to find the best condition.

Lots of bangs and rattles, luckily didn't keep us awake.

Hope for better tomorrow.

Day 37 - La Spezia, Italy

Sunday 28th October 2018

La Spezia is situated in the NW Italian region of Liguria.  It has been a port since Roman times, later the Genoese added the Castle of San Giorgio and in 1796 Napoleon seized Liguria for France and it became a maritime prefecture.  From 1857 the military fleet was transferred here from Genoa, it has remained an Italian Naval base to this day.  The local shipyards building ships for the navy and it was a major target for bombing in WW2, much of the city being reduced to rubble.

Fast run overnight, the Captain seemed to be in a race to berth in La Spezia. Only two berths, we had one another ship the other, so one ship  anchored and needed to tender passengers ashore. Looked quite a roller coaster ride for them, feeling smug here tied up alongside.  Weather windy and cloudy, passing rain showers and a couple of claps of thunder.

Took our time to allow the weather to settle before catching the shuttle bus.

Once ashore took a walk along a rather damp seafront, lots of street vendors selling cagoules and umbrellas to wet tourists, luckily we came prepared.  The paths scattered with detached fronds from the palm trees lining the promenade.

Our target for the day being the naval museum. Free entry today! An interesting collection of exhibits, something of a lack of English translations of the descriptions, but all in all a good refuge on a poor day.

Among many items from all dates in history of the Italian navy some really big models, easily six feet from keel to mast head,  of 19th century warships a notable highlight.  Also models of Christopher Columbus’s three ships, difficult to believe such small ships were used to make the crossing of the Atlantic.  Also a fine collection of figureheads.

Returning to the shuttle via walk through town, most shops closed, it being a Sunday, but luckily the gelato shop was open.  A statue of Garibaldi dominates the seafront park.  Lots of flowering plants and trees along the front, including prickly pear with ripe fruit.

Caught the bus back to Victoria as not much else to attract while ashore.
Time to console ourselves with a scone.

Relaxing afternoon busy doing nothing finding lots of things not to do.

Sailaway into the windy night.

Dinner in the buffet, Italian theme tonight, their Lasagne being a particular favourite.

Then back to stateroom to watch the F1 on the TV, in German again, but beggars can't be choosers.  Always more interesting to have to work out what's going on when you can't understand much of the commentary.  Congratulations to Lewis on his 5th championship.

Day 36 - Civitavecchia, Italy

Saturday 27th October 2018

Civitavecchia is the gateway to The Eternal City of Rome. Whilst it would take many lifetimes to really know Rome, there is an opportunity to see many of the city’s most famous sites. Marvel at the incredible architecture and epic monuments or simply soak up the atmosphere of this remarkable city. Alternatively, escape the hustle and bustle and venture into the beautiful Italian countryside.

Berthed in about the usual place in port this morning, getting quite familiar here now.

Determined to actually get into town today, last chance for this part this cruise.

So breakfast and morning trivia then coffee with the remaining part our quiz team before goodbyes and good luck to them for their journey home.

Then it's onto the shuttle bus, drop off really only a short drive and still not very near to the town.

Though a much nicer walk from the drop off past the fortress than a walk along the mole from the ship.

Into town for a walk along the old sea wall to view the fortifications and a look into the old Roman harbour.

Also on display reproduction of part of a Roman ship, Bireme.

Then a quick call in to the gelato shop and a walk along the promenade at the back of the beach.  No beach today, high tide and a strong onshore wind making for plenty of breakers on the seashore.  Weather deteriorating somewhat too.

Then the bus back to the ship for some sun, weather still windy though very mild and quite a bit of cloud passing by.

Afternoon tea, very busy in the buffet with all those pesky newcomers.

Rather late sailaway, but once at sea met the wind and waves, fortunately the ship remained pretty steady.

Dinner in the buffet. Then off to the theatre for another split show, first part by the Cunard Singers and Dancers with a tribute to the "Rat Pack". Followed by Ann Wardell a Soprano! singing some opera.
Back to our stateroom for some college football on the TV.

Clocks back one hour tonight.

Day 35 - at Sea

Friday 26th October 2018

Formed ourselves into a new trivia team today, a bit short term, two members to disembark tomorrow and we later learnt that the other two will have to also leave tomorrow due to a family emergency.  So it’s back to just us till we find some new arrivals.

Time once again to just enjoy life at sea. Weather remains quite superb. Though we are expecting windy weather, so extra early into Civitavecchia tomorrow, berth about 1am and a change of itinerary for the next day, the Captain didn’t fancy tender operations in the wind so a new port, we are off to La Spezia.

This afternoon we passed through the Boniface Strait between Corsica and Sardinia.

Dinner tonight in the man's restaurant followed by the show in the Theatre, a split show with the Cunard Singers and Dancers with a tribute to the songs of Sting and then "Back to Bacharach" with more of Burt's famous numbers.

About 1300 passengers leaving the ship tomorrow.

Day 34 - Barcelona, Spain

Thursday 25th October 2018

Capital of Catalonia and Spain’s second largest city.  Everywhere you will see the ornately wrought works of Antonio Gaudi, a local architect, culminating in the surrealistic spires of the yet to be finished Sagrada Familia.  Take a stroll down Las Ramblas, sample local wines and authentic tapas, or visit the home of Barcelona FC.

Woke this morning berthed in Barcelona, not particularly early but still just before dawn, the day's are getting very much shorter now.

Dawn Over Barcelona

Had great plans to get into town today . So usual start while the rush cleared, collected a couple of stamps on our card at morning trivia and later at cryptic corner, more dingbats.

Relaxed in the sun and meanwhile took advantage of the quiet ship to get the laundry done.

And so the day passed by quietly and somehow just didn't make it ashore, it's just too pleasant to while away the day.

A nice dinner this evening on the open decks as the weather continues to  be very pleasant.

Day 33 - Palma de Mallorca

Wednesday 24th October 2018

Palma is a cosmopolitan and sophisticated city, situated along a magnificent bay.  At the harbourside, a sweeping promenade leads past marinas crammed with expensive yachts to the magnificent Gothic Cathedral.  Palma is the capital of Majorca and the balearic islands. Rising in honey coloured stone from the broad waters of the Badia de Palma, this enduring city dates back to the 13th century and is richly studded with historic sites.  In the city, you will find a cornucopia of superb shops, authentic tapas bars, cafés, restaurants, shady squares and fountain-ornamented gardens.

Berthed this morning well away from the town, even further than usual.

Weather continues quite superb, light winds and clear skies, it’s going to get proper hot again later.

Morning trivia! a win. Then onto the shuttle bus into town.

Nice walk round, passed the cathedral and up through the town to the main square, then circling round to pass by the 15th century La Llotja with it’s vaulted ceiling and then along the seafront to view the castle.

Then it’s back to the bus for a run back to the ship.

Time for a swim in the pool while the ship is quiet.

Afternoon tea followed by afternoon trivia - another close run thing.

Dinner in the Lido, oriental theme tonight.

Then later it's another try at the movie theme trivia. Once agin it just themed on movies not movie themes and again they are all modern movies, and mostly about series of films we had never seen, not a great result but reasonably good considering.