Day 42 - Gibraltar

Friday 2nd November 2018

A little piece of Britain in the Mediterranean - with its helmeted bobbies, pillar boxes and pubs, you will find Gibraltar a fascinating place to visit.  From the caves and batteries tunnelled into the mountain, to the apes that sit on its slopes, your visit to the Rock will be filled with interesting sights and sounds.

Berthed early this morning in Gibraltar. Looks to be a lovely morning nice clear skies and just a few scattered clouds as the sun comes up.

Clear airs making for good views.  Algeciras in Spain just across the bay and Algeria just across the strait look nearer than they usually do in murkier weather.

Steady start, usual morning tasks.

Then ashore for a walk round the town. Walked around by the old fortifications and the Trafalgar Cemetery. Town quite busy even though only one ship in.  Good views of the rock.

Back on board.

Early sailaway, should have been 2 pm, some delay due to missing passengers.

Out though the straits and into the Atlantic.

That's the last port before Southampton and the last of the Mediterranean.  Lets hope its not the last of the good weather.  Winter is coming soon enough.

Dinner in the main restaurant and then the show in the theatre. Cunard singer and Dancers with "Hollywood Rocks", performances improving all the time, practice makes perfect.

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