Day 40 - Valencia, Spain

Wednesday 31st October 2018

An incredibly exciting place to visit, Valencia is an international city with excellent cultural, architectural and entertaining delights. Situated on the east coast of Spain, it is bathed by the magnificent Mediterranean Sea and rich agricultural lands. Its history, extending back over 2000 years, has been deeply marked by the Roman and Arab cultures.

Happy Halloween.

Today berthed in Valencia, another berth a long way from town.
Weather looking good, scattered clouds, warm air but a bit windy still.  Once more allowed the rush to clear by joining our new trivia team to collect a couple more stamps before going ashore to catch the shuttle bus into town.  Long drive to the drop off at just near the Torres de Serrano.

Then a easy stroll through town, surprisingly enough we decided not to have an ice cream, the weather is just not nice enough.

Not much else going on in town so circled round and caught the bus back to the ship.

Arrived in nice time to have the pub lunch, fish and chips our choice for today.

Then time to relax the afternoon away before a light dinner in the buffet.

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