Day 38 - Marseille, France

Monday 29th October 2018

The graceful Vieux Port sits guarded by the 12th century Fort St John on the north bank, and the later Fort St Nicholas on the south. Marseille is the second largest city in France and has drawn its lifeblood from the sea for two and a half millennia. Further afield is the city of Avignon, where you can imagine how the popes lived in style and see the famous ‘Pont’, or visit the old capital of Aix and be charmed by its 18th century elegance.

Wet and windy overnight. Still wet and windy here in Marseilles, not exactly warm and very misty.  Where did that Summer go?

Berthed about 9 am alongside the cruise terminal with at least 2 other ships.

Not much chance of a going ashore if the weather doesn't improve.  Spent the morning pretty much an usual, weather eventually dried up though still on the cool side and windy.

The few who ventured into town were not impressed, sadly the weather doesn’t help.  Later the weather deteriorated again so we gave up any thought of going into town.

Those who went further afield were worse off as they didn't get any dry weather, not much fun walking around in the rain.

Figured this to be about the only day this year when we have had such poor weather.

Consolation with dinner in the alternative dining,”Smokehouse" tonight. Delicious American diner menu.

Sailing slightly delayed and much windier outside the breakwater.  The Captain diverted slightly in our overnight route to follow the coast of the Gulf of Lions to find the best condition.

Lots of bangs and rattles, luckily didn't keep us awake.

Hope for better tomorrow.

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