Day 69 - Kochi, Japan

Friday 16th March 2018

Kochi is a cosmopolitan, vibrant modern city with friendly people.  Located on the Island of Shikoku, with easy access to the sea and mountains, there are sweeping beaches, hidden temples, botanical gardens and a hilltop castle, trendy malls and bustling palm-lined arcades of Kochi downtown.  Katsurahama Beach is one of the most popular spots in Kochi and is ranked in the top 100 beaches in Japan, a crescent-shaped beach, framed by rocky capes and Japanese pines. 
Kochi Castle that was built following the battle of Sekigahara in 1600. An impressive ‘donjon’ (main tower), the splendid ‘Otemon Gate’ and the ‘honmaru’ (ring of defence), which remain as originally constructed, the beautifully restored Tsumemon Gate and the castle grounds, now a popular public park, dotted with magnificent statues of the Yamanouchi family.
Hirome Ichiba Market, an indoor market with a Latin atmosphere ful of restaurantds and food stalls.  The most famous dish is Katsuo Tataki, lightly seared and seasoned tuna.
The Chikurin-ji Temple is a Shingon temple that is said to have been founded in the early 8th century and forms part of the Shikokuk 88 temple pilgrimage, Japan’s most famous pilgrimage route. The temple grounds feature an interesting array of halls and structures, including a beautiful pagoda. A treasure hall displays several Buddhist statues and scrolls of importance to the temple, and the hondo (main hall) offers a view of the building's interior and a nicely kept garden.

Not quite so much of a rush this morning but still that darn alarm and again people out in the rain watching our arrival.
Docked in Kochi this morning, and it’s overcast and raining.  Not at all our usual luck with the weather.
Still you get what you get, so onto the bus for our tour, first stop at Katsurahama Beach.  Not beach weather, sand very coarse and nasty currents in the sea preventing any option for swimming.  However beach quite picturesque even in the rain and a very quick paddle in the shallows had to suffice.

Next moved on to Kochi Castle, a more original castle than most in Japan, most of the others burnt down before or during World War 2.
The defensive walls being stonework but the central towers all being constructed of timber.

Luckily it had stopped raining by now but still overcast and definitely cooler.  Climbed up the very high steps and steep stairways in the tower for great views.  Back to ground level to watch a demonstration of swordsmanship with Samurai Swords, seriously sharp!

Back into town to visit the local market for lunch.  Not  much market but lots of food stalls selling some very odd looking food.  The walk back through the town saw this amazing building with sculptured trees and air plants growing on the branches.  Japanese surround their homes with very small gardens, beautifully tended with the trees trimmed to fit.

So back to the bus to move on to Chikurin-ji Temple.

This is a Buddhist Temple.  The entrance gate guarded by a couple of very fierce looking statues.

Inside the temple area an impressive five storied Pagoda and some surrounding buildings and shrines.

All the Buddha’s here seemed to be wearing red wooly jumpers and hats, don’t blame then it was pretty cool here.

Back to the ship for recovery and sustenance.
Sailaway entertainment provided by the port consisted of an orchestra, then a lady  singing and playing a traditional stringed instrument (sorry name unknown) and then a troupe of very energetic dancers, they are all very happy to see us and to encourage return visits, again a lot of people came to watch the ship sail away.  Time for dinner whilst a very promising sunset glowed in the sky.

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