Days 73 and 74 - at Sea

Tuesday 20th March and Wednesday 21st March 2018

A bonus (?) day at sea, so a lie in and leisurely start.  Weather still overcast and showers around, the sea on the rough side, and it’s windy.
Usual activities, these fill our time very easily.
However this afternoon a Japanese workshop was organised.  The Cunard Japanese hosts and quite a few of the Japanese passengers freely gave their time to show off their skills, and to teach them to us in the hopes we could improve/learn skills such as using chopsticks and creating origami. Also demonstrations of calligraphy and wearing Kimonos.
The day continued much as other sea days without much improvement in the weather.


A day at sea, just, whole day spent anchored within sight of Osaka.  Still cold and windy.  Nothing to see and Cunard didn’t add anything extra, so a normal sea day.

Dinner in the main restaurant, just to change the routine.

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