Days 50 and 51 at Sea - en route Sydney, Australia

Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th February 2018

Crossing the Tasman Sea, by report a notoriously rough piece of water, but today calm as a millpond!  The sun out and just a gentle breeze, so it’s time to enjoy time out on the deck.

Apart from popping in for the occasional quiz, drink or a snack  that’s about it for today. 

The evening spent dressed up for formal dinner and just time for wipeout trivia in the pub!

Spoke too soon.  Weather gone right off today, overcast, showers with strong winds and rough seas, ship moving about a bit, seems  to worry some folk  So time to catch up on all the things which have been waiting for our attention.

Outside decks closed most of the day, winds getting up to nearly 60 knots and seas up to about 6 meters.  Improving as the afternoon wore on and even some brightness.

Big changes coming, into Sydney tomorrow, so major exodus of passengers, a very popular stop, lots ending cruises here to fly home or to await the arrival of QM2 for their return home.  All the goodbyes getting started.

Usual day’s activities, indoor only today!

Evening presentation by “The Barricade Boys”, four male singers, all having taken part in productions of Les Miserables before getting together.  Excellent selection of songs from Les Miserables and Jersey Boys plus Bohemian Rhapsody and some others.  Certainly one of the better foursomes.

Early to retire tonight, early start tomorrow for sail-in.

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