Day 108 CapeTown (Day 2), South Africa

Tuesday 25th  April

Much better looking start today.  Lower levels of table Mountain clear and some breaks in the cloud cover with actual sun showing through.

Not too much rush to get started today, to give the weather time to improve.  With the combination of early on-board time to get through immigration process and the town being close on hand and easy to visit meant any ideas of a long trip was just not practical.

After breakfast took the shuttle to the Victoria and Alfred shops and waterfront.  First job was to take the harbour cruise around the Victoria and Alfred  Basins, lots of pleasure boats, fishing boats with a liberal helping of Fur Seals and Cormorants to entertain us.

Time for coffee and then some souvenir shopping.  Shopping area decorated with very colourful Rhinos, including one in reference to Rhino Horn poaching!

Weather really nice now, just right to just sit out and enjoy, and all the time the “tablecloth” on Table Mountain was melting away.

Oh for more time so we could get up to the cable car, still maybe next time we are here!

Time to walk back to the ship before the deadline.  Couldn’t really call this two days in the port, this one just too short.

In the late afternoon the cloud cleared completely from the mountains, just in time for the sailaway.

Sailaway a bit cool and breezy and the sea a bit choppy but good views of Robben Island.  Nelson Mandela was held here for many years, certainly didn’t look a very welcoming or comfortable place to be

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