Days 121 to 123 at Sea

Monday 7th May to Wednesday 9th May

First of three sea days.
Cooler and cloudier today.
More packing.
Frankie Valli tribute group on in the theatre, “Walk Like a Man”, very good.
Big Quiz this evening, a new format more like regular multi-round quizzes, a successful idea.

Second day even cooler and overcast.  Both the weather and the mood!
Luckily day not all misery, we won the music trivia against our main rivals - very satisfying.  Our music team then went to formal afternoon tea together.

Later a bottle of wine shared with friends.  Tonight joined up for dinner with our general trivia team.


Third day, still overcast, very depressing. Day of lasts and goodbyes.  Redeemed our winning stamps for prizes.
Corridor filling up with cases as everyone completes their packing.  Packing being the worst job imaginable, at least we don’t have to be careful not to get stuff creased.  That’s lucky because there seems to be much more stuff now than we brought with us.

Another glass of wine with other friends.

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