Days 111 to 118 at Sea

Friday 27th April to 4th May

First of eight days at sea, now heading north on the homeward leg, next stop Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Saturday 28th April

Day at Sea
Managed to fit in the wine tasting today, just enough time between quizzes.
Tonight Mexican theme in the Lido, favourites!

Sunday 29th April

Still heading North, fairly cloudy today, still hot though.
Crossed the Greenwich Meridian today, back in the West half of the globe again.
This evening, at last, they have managed to organise a star gazing event to take advantage of the dark skies.  All the lights on the Lido Pool deck turned off.  Such a shame it is a full moon tonight, so it’s light enough to read your newspaper even without any artificial light! 

So stars not really that good, the Third Officer gave a bit of a talk about what could be seen of the Southern Constellations, didn’t really make much of a job of it and his audience drifted off none the better for the talk.  Pity they didn’t arrange regular sessions of lights off rather than just one so near the end of the possible opportunities.

Monday 30th April

Today another Crossing the Line Ceremony as we will cross the Equator later, our fourth and last crossing on this voyage.
Everything starting to feel like it’s the last time so many things will occur, all getting much too near the end now.

Tuesday 1st May

Weather still very hot and sunny here in the tropics.  After our morning trivia we wandered into the queens room to view Queen Elizabeth Chef’s Top Hat Culinary Competition, divided in to Chefs Signature Dish, Fruit and Vegetable Masterpiece, Chefs Signature Dessert and Pastry Masterpiece, with some excellent chocolate truffles to try out!

Some of the entries

One of the prize winners

Actually managed to see some passing whales today, looked like Pilot Whales, quite a large pod.  There have been amazingly few sightings of whales and dolphins on the voyage despite us being in what should be the right spot at the right time.

Dinner this evening in the Alternative dining room, Smokehouse menu, American menu, very very good, ate much too much.

Wednesday 2nd May

Another day at sea, actually spotted a ship today, one more amazing fact we are realising just how much ocean there is where you don’t see any land, shipping or wildlife, even seabirds!  

Thursday 3rd May

Days noticeably lengthening, seems like we have been in areas where day length close to 12 hour days for months. 
Weather still good.  Time each day to enjoy the sun while it lasts in between all our other activities which seem to fill each day without any great effort.

Friday 4th May

Last sea day of this part of the voyage.  A couple more ships passing today, must be getting nearer civilisation now.  After our music trivia we had a quick look around the World Voyage Charity Country Fayre, managed to avoid buying any extra items to bring home.

 Captain Inger Klein Thorhaug at the fair

Met up to share our bottle of Pol Aker this afternoon, we won it at the silliest quiz we took part in, so our quiz team had a drop each, its got to be used up.

Here’s a list of possible afternoon activities available today from 12.00 to 6.00pm.  you may guess we didn’t join in them all:

Captains Navigational Announcement
Insights Lecture by Captain Rick Reynolds
Piano Entertainer Robin Rose
Slot Tournament
Live Music around the Lido Pool
Social Bridge, Whist and Chess
Paddle Tennis Tournament
Each day there is a movie in the Theatre - today it was ‘The Tribes of Palaos Verdes’
World Voyage Charity Country Fare
Duplicate Bridge Tournament
Guess the Melody Trivia
Social Bowls
Snowball Jackpot Bingo
Afternoon Tea with the Jewellers
Adobe Photoshop Elements: Layers
Social Needlework and Knitting
Social Deck Quoits
Queens Room Afternoon Tea
Meet the Speakers
Afternoon Trivia
Basic Portuguese Language Class
Shuffleboard Tournament
Friends of Bill W
Ballroom Dance Class: Beginners Jive
Friends of Dorothy LGBT
Jewish Sabbath Service
Harpist Lara Szabo

And then from 6:00pm to Late

Harpist Lara Szabo
Recorded Ballroom & Latin Music
Variety Showtime - Mark Shortland
Eos String Quartet
Piano Enterainer Clarolyn Maier
Recorded Ballroom & Latin Dance Music
Sequence Dancing
Wipeout Trivia
English Premier League
Live Music with Synergy
Piano Entertainer Robin Rose
Ballroom & Latin Dance Music with Live Orchestra
Battle of the Sexes
Music from the Movies

Late Night Disco

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