Day 6 - Messina, Sicily, Italy

Thursday 27th September 2018

Messina has had a tragic history, culminating in the disastrous earthquake of 1908 and Allied bombing during the last war. Although much of the city has been re-built, there are many treasures of its past to be discovered. One of the most popular attractions is the medieval town of Taormina with its Greek Roman ruins, and the infamous Mount Etna.

Alarm went off at 6.30 we were just approaching Messina.
Docked about 8 am, just time for a quick breakfast and to get ready to join our tour group for the trip to Mount Etna.

Clear skies and warm airs, looking good for the day ahead.
Nearly two hours on the bus, with just one quick stop, to get to Mount Etna.

Our guide gave us the full history and current state of affairs of Sicily.  Sorry can't remember much of it other than that the island has been invaded and ruled by just about every empire which has ever existed, except the Chinese.

They have certainly had more than their fair share of disasters, natural and man made, the two worst being the 1908 earthquake and tsunami and the WW2 bombing.
Following each of these pretty much everything needed reconstruction.

The approach to Etna

The approach up the hairpin bends of the road was luckily very quiet, this led to the expectation the journey’s end would also be quiet, wrong! There were suddenly huge numbers of cars coaches and walkers in the carpark near the craters.

First stop on what is considered to be a very active volcano was for refreshments at the Refuge, ie the restaurant/shop. A cannoli  and a fruit juice to set us up for the day.

After photo opportunity to view the landscape and overviews of Catania, walked across to the Silvestri Craters. These being a group of 300 year old volcanic craters and the site of transverse eruptions and lava flows.  The colours in the lava were very bright and colourful, all due to the different elements and minerals.

Lava Bomb

Colourful Lava

Not enough time for the cablecar excursion up from where we were at 2000m to the summit at 3000m, just a hint of volcanic activity in sight but not enough to keep us entertained.

Back on the bus for the return to the ship.

Long view as we return to ship with smoking volcano?

Arrived in time for a cup of tea and a sandwich before sailaway and the start of the run North to Naples through the Tyrrhenian Sea.

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