Day 2 - at Sea

Thursday 14th December 2023

Nice early start today, off to the Ballindalloch for breakfast, bit of a confusing system waiter service combined with a buffet, managed to work it out more or less and all went OK.

Found our way to the morning trivia in the Morning Light Pub, fair result, must do better.  Pretty much straight to the Lido Lounge for name that tune, not too good a result.

This afternoon off to the lecture.  Today it’s a talk on Royal Navies around the Baltic in the 1700’s and 1800’s, all a bit confusing, a huge amount of history skimmed over with very little depth, certainly an interesting subject sadly not well presented, too much to cover so quickly, all happening in a period of history which prompted the construction of canals to shorten journeys around the globe, Panama, Suez and Kiel.

Gingerbread House

Time for afternoon tea in the Palms before a short rest prior to the Captain’s Cocktail Party in the Neptune Lounge, wine and canapĂ©’s with an introduction to Captain Reveneng and his staff officers.

Dinner in the Ballindalloch, very good again.

Time for relax and rest in the cabin.

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