Day 6 - Oslofjord, Olsen Family Home and Oslo


Monday 18th December 2023

Awake again in the dark, looking like it might be a bit brighter today.  The sun rose in a clear sky, though all too soon a fog bank approached, then we sailed into the fog and that was it, stayed foggy all day.


...and here comes the fog!

The Oslofjord looked very nice, for a few minutes, not sure whether we saw the Olsen Home and Oslo itself was lost in the fog.

After breakfast took a walk through Oslo to the main shopping area.  Lots of shops and lots of Christmas decoration, even the trams had Christmas lights!

Not much else to see and the weather never improved so back to the ship for a hot chocolate to warm up.

Dinner in the Ballindalloch then back to cabin, fog cleared late evening as the rain started.

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