Day 2 - Falmouth

 Wednesday 14th August 2024

Short overnight sail to Falmouth, today’s port of call, anchored well out in the mouth of the bay.

Nice sunny pleasant day, after breakfast joined the queue to get the tender into town.  Luckily got a top deck seat for the 20 minute ride to the dock.

Caribbean Princess

Dropoff a bit remote from the town centre but a shuttle bus provided to get a fair bit nearer the action.

A nice walk through town, pretty busy with tourists and cruise passengers, especially so as it happens to be Falmouth Week.  Couldn’t actually find a nice coffee shop and no nice seafront area to sit for long.

Soon back to the tender for a return to the ship for a coffee and a sandwich.  Joined in the bean bag toss competition in the atrium, surprisingly won a couple of coasters, luckily not too many on board the ship to expand the number of competitors.

The afternoon spent on the top deck enjoying the delightful weather and the views of the sea, the coast and Pendennis Castle.

Our visit closed whilst we had distant views of the Falmouth Week Airshow, not a great deal to see.

Smiler vapour trail

Sailing west we continued on to our next port of call.

Nice dinner in Planks speciality restaurant, BBQ style meats etc. as expected very good but just too much.

Time to digest and relax with a film, this time James Bond.

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