Day 6 - at Sea

 Sunday 18th  August 2024

One more relaxing morning at sea, breakfast in the buffet followed  again by a takeaway coffee.

The afternoon weather showing a distinct improvement, calmer and brighter even though getting cooler.

Tried the afternoon tea in the Palm Dining Room, a good effort, always enjoy a nice crustless sandwich and a dainty cake, scones rather disappointing.

Tonights show by Chris Ritchie with a tribute to Neil Diamond and his music.

Apart from the most terrible wig, all part of his costume, a really good impression of the singer with a broad selection of his best hits, not bad for an ex-matelot from Derby.

Plenty of audience participation singalongs especially the closing number, what else but Sweet Caroline.

A late supper in the atrium of a sandwich and a cocktail to close the day.


A foggy night with a regular blasts on the foghorn, the fog came in with a calmer sea and a much reduced wind.

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