Day 5 - at Sea

Saturday 17th  August 2024

Today it’s another enrichment talk, again by the naturalist, at an unearthly hour, i.e. before breakfast!  This time about the wildlife we might see from the ship, what to look for and where to look.

A rather late breakfast followed by a search for a nice spot to enjoy a coffee.  No luck I’m afraid, windy weather causing an influx of passengers to the inside of the ship, so no seats anywhere.

Took a fancy for a hot chocolate today, picked up a takeaway to take back to the cabin.  This was closely followed by a room service delivery of two more hot chocolates, not ordered, must be a confusion in the service system.

Tried out a couple more trivia today, not having much success so far this cruise, fair scores but there’s always a team who get 100%. They must have previously done the questions!

Tried out the Island Dining Room this evening.  Pretty good and not busy.

Then to the theatre for tonight’s production show, “Born to be Wild”, not the one cancelled from last night but an alternative deemed more suitably safe for the cast in view of the continued rough weather.  A good show with a good group of singers and dancers.

Just time for a cocktail in the bar before retiring for the night.

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