Day 1 - Southampton

Friday 10th Jan 2020

Southampton is a port city on England’s south coast. It is home to the SeaCity Museum, with an interactive model of the Titanic, which departed from Southampton in 1912. Nearby, Southampton City Art Gallery specialises in modern British art. Solent Sky Museum features vintage aircraft like the iconic Spitfire. Tudor House & Garden displays artefacts covering over 800 years of history, including a penny-farthing bike.

All set up for our cruise - hopefully not forgotten anything.

Arrived at the cruise terminal dropped our cases and sorted the car then to booking in, quite quickly through without much delay, despite all the extra checks needed for US visa and of course for Yellow Fever vaccination (sounds nasty, well worth avoiding that one).  Straight on board and to our stateroom, our cases had already arrived, not sure how they got there so quickly, miraculous.

Before and after luggage, then a spot of bubbly

Time for a little lunch, always a good start.  Followed by the traditional pre-voyage (just the long ones) performance by the Imperial Military Band to send us on our way.  

Managed to fit in lifeboat drill (they don’t call it that anymore, wouldn’t want to worry the guests!) before up to top deck for spectacular fireworks display prior to sailaway.  And we’re off.  Just over 3000nm to Hamilton Bermuda.

Bit of unpacking a light dinner and an early night, we always seem to be zonked the first day.

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