Days 18 to 19 - at Sea

Monday 27th January 2020

The hors d’oeuvres over now, it’s off into the real part of the trip.  Heading southeastward off (way off) the coasts of Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam and French Guiana, not in sight.  940nm from Barbados to the start of the Amazon, and another 900nm to Manaus, our next stop in the middle of Brazil.
Getting hot and humid, lots of flying fish escaping the ship’s wake in the afternoon.
Dinner this evening at the alternative dining option, tonight it’s the Aztec menu, that’s basically Mexican to you and I.

Tuesday 28th January 2020

Continuing down the coast, into Brazilian waters this afternoon.  Still mainly overcast, hot and humid.
From this evening the outside lights on the ship will be turned off, this along with no balcony lights and closed curtains are precautions against attracting insects to the ship.  About midnight entering the Amazon.

This evening to the theatre to watch Bruce Morrison presenting 30 years of Les Miserables.  Update of how he was tomorrow.

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