Days 2 to 8 - at Sea

Saturday 11th
Out of the English Channel and into the Atlantic.  Weather quite windy (40 knot winds) and a lively sea overnight, continuing similarly today, though improving steadily.
Captain Tomas Connery in charge of picking the best course for Hamilton, Bermuda, the first stop on our itinerary.

Our sea days have fallen back into a trusted routine, breakfast, 10.15 morning trivia, 1.30 music trivia, 4.15 afternoon trivia.  In between trivia we sometimes have lunch or afternoon tea followed by dinner in the evening.

Sunday 12th
Clock back one hour.
Atlantic/Biscay weather clearing nicely.  Cool, partial sun, odd passing shower.  Sea still a bit on the rough side.
This evening World Club Cocktails, nice of the Captain to buy us all a drink.  Not too long a speech of welcome, this included a couple of facts, 1836 guests on board from 33 countries, by far the largest number from the UK at 1295, also 972 crew from 45 countries.
Our first dinner in the main dining room, well we dressed in our best clothes so might as well  make the most of it.

Monday 13th
Clock back one hour.
Sea a bit rougher overnight again.  Still very windy.  The morning brought an easing of the weather and bright skies.  No prospect of “good” weather for a couple of days.  Passing by the Azores today, no stop this time.

Tuesday 14th
Weather again still roughish, no sign of a consistent improvement yet.  The Captain seems more of an optimist than a weather forecaster.  
Music trivia today our first win this trip.  Wine tasting this afternoon and   cocktails with the Captain tonight, then to main dining room for dinner, again!

Wednesday 15th
Clock back one hour
Sea easing, but still windy.  Off to the theatre tonight for “One way or Another” by the ship’s production company, the Royal Court Theatre Company.  Not sure this troupe are up to standard, yet?

Thursday 16th
Sea much easier and wind much reduced today.  Actually sat out on deck for a while.  Pub lunch, fish and chips, had to fit it in sometime, the days just disappear.
Senior Officers Cocktail party tonight.
Latest plan to arrive in Bermuda 2pm tomorrow, then stay overnight. 

Friday 17th
Clocks back one hour.

Wind and sea back up again today, should have been improving but the wind is back up to 60 or 70 knots and waves 5 or 6 metres, not going to make Hamilton, new plan for arrival tomorrow.  Noon announcement put us only 50nm from Bermuda but it’s just too windy today for the Captain to take the ship in through the narrow channel to our berth.

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