Days 13 to 14 - at Sea

Wednesday 22nd

Todays sail through the Old Bahama Channel along the north coast of Cuba.  A narrow navigable channel between Cuba and the treacherous shallows of the Bahama Banks.

First proper warm day, temperature in mid twenties, following wind at pretty much the speed of the ship so negligible.
Back to the normal time fillers.  Our new morning trivia team now includes a lady we met last year on Queen Mary.  We also have a new music trivia team and managed to win with a score of 39 out of 40, we do seem to manage to collect the best new members to gain us wins.  The afternoon allowed us time for sunbathing, bit of a sudden shock, no time to acclimatise from cool to hot with a strong sun, slap on the suncream and don’t stay out too long.
American theme in the buffet, delicious.
Tonight “the Piano Brothers” in the theatre.  Amazing flying fingers on the keyboards, very few tunes we recognised, but one seven minute performance of 22 classical pieces most entertaining. 

Thursday 23rd 

Passing the island of Hispaniola today (that’s Haiti and the Dominican Republic).

Clocks forward one hour.
Proper sea day, back to trivia and music quiz (another good win 40 out of 40).  Weather quite benign, slight sea, light wind and nice and warm, though pretty  cloudy.

Evening entertainment by the RCTC, “Hollywood Rocks”, a movie themed show.

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