Days 44, 45,46 and 47 at Sea

Sunday 18th to 22nd February 2018

Sunday 18th

First of four days at sea on our way to Auckland, New Zealand.
Weather not too good so spent today catching up on notes and blog and trying to sort several thousand photos.
Managed to fit in a few quizzes and some time for food just to keep body and soul together.

Monday 19th

A cloudy start to this day at sea, luckily it soon cleared up and so out on deck to enjoy the sun.

Formal dinner tonight in the main dining room.

After dinner off to the theatre for tonight’s show.  Tonight it’s Ben Makesi, a Polynesian tenor from New Zealand.  He gave us a very entertaining show of classical opera and Polynesian songs.  His wife added some extra accompaniment and amusement to his performance.

Very clear sky tonight so we spent a while star spotting in the Southern Sky.  Ship’s lighting didn’t help but we made the most of the views, Southern Cross and the Milky Way.

Wednesday 21st

Last night, nominally at midnight, we crossed the International Dateline.  All the clock adjustments so far on our travels had taken us back 12 hours from UK time, at the crossing of the line we adjusted by loosing one whole day and jumped to 12 hours in front.
So Tuesday the 20th just didn’t happen, a day lost which we will never get back, not quite sure if we shouldn’t get compensation for shortening our cruise by one day?

Today the weather was just about perfect, so spent pretty much all day just enjoying it, especially now the humidity has dropped to more comfortable levels.

After dinner in the buffet enjoyed the show by the Cunard Singers and Dancers, “La Danza”.  Seen it before but still very good.

Another clear sky so again spent some time stargazing.

Thursday 22nd

Cloudy and showers this morning, our fourth day at sea on our way to New Zealand.
Went along to morning trivia and managed another win, quite a few “stamps” in our prize book now.

Weather soon cleared up so another day on deck enjoying the journey.  Still can’t quite believe we are actually on this journey, nor for that matter just how easily the days slip past with so little effort on our part and yet we don’t seem to have a spare minute.


During the afternoon we watched the ice carving demonstration out on deck, only took about ten minutes to carve and all without anything but a mental image of the desired result, very skilled, and the chisels were dangerously sharp judging by the speed the ice flew.


Weather too nice to rush to dinner so it’s the buffet again tonight.

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