Day 85, 86 and 87 - at Sea

Sunday 1st April to Tuesday 3rd April

Easter Sunday

Quiet day at sea after two very busy days in Hong Kong.
Weather still very hot and getting more and more humid.
Today Cunard left us a chocolate bunny each instead of the usual  evening chocolate, they look impressive but they are only two inches tall!

This evening, late evening, the chefs put on a chocolate display for Easter.  Despite the late hour it was manic, the hoards descended and proceeded to strip the display of everything edible, some people can’t have had any chocolate for years!  I’m sorry to say it mostly seemed to have been the Chinese, again, they certainly are a contrast to the Japanese who were so polite and well behaved.
Just managed to rescue a couple of bits for us.

Easter Monday

Our usual day at sea, disrupted by all the timings being changed to accommodate the crew drills, such major things we have to worry about!
Weather now around thirty degrees, sea and air, and even more humid.
Tonight’s formal dinner followed by the World Cruise Cocktail Party with Chinese buffet, just after dinner!  And the reappearance of the now famous World Cruise Cake, beautiful icing but not sure what’s underneath.  One particular favourite with us are the chocolate covered strawberries, very decadent!


Even less to say about today, usual pastimes and time for some sun on deck, though not much, too hot.

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