Days 91 and 92 - at Sea

Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th April

Rather cloudy today, showers around, still hot and humid.
Relaxing day at sea with usual entertainment.  Serious thunder and lightning with heavy rain, soon gone and all dried up.

A very hot and partly cloudy day at sea.  Still no internet.

Couple of pods of dolphins passing the ship today.  Just occasionally the bridge team announce the presence of dolphins, unfortunately always too late, when they are well down the side of the ship, the ship travelling too fast for the dolphins to play on the wake, can’t imagine why we are in such a hurry!

This evening went to the Golden Lion for dinner, a new option by Cunard as another alternative dining venue.  Dinner very good and a new menu.  A bit awkward to get timing right, the time available goes right through the evening wipeout trivia event, very crowded for an hour or so, not conducive to a quiet dinner experience! luckily we had finished our dinner in time.

More spectacular thunder and lightning today with some very heavy squally rain.

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