Day 93 - Colombo, Sri Lanka

Monday 9th April

Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, a pear shaped island just 18 miles from the southern tip of India.  Approximately 70% of the population is Buddhist.  The coastal communities of the island were devastated by the 2004 tsunami, killing more than 30,000 people.  The island had the first female Prime Minister in 1960, Sirimavo Bandaranaike.  The island is the world’s fourth largest producer of tea, after China, India and Kenya.
Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital city is situated at the crossroads of the great spice routes, where many cultures and races have combined and collided for centuries resulting in colourful bazaars, vibrant temples and colonial buildings.

Docked this morning in a remote corner of the commercial docks well away from the main part of the city.

Our excursion today hasn’t a too early meet time, well it is called leisurely Colombo!  Once away soon into town, very busy everywhere, lots of traffic and thousands of tuk-tuks,  everyone driving very energetically and without any apparent road discipline. 

This is definitely not a place to hire a car.  Their seems to be room in any two lane road for three lanes of traffic and still space for  motorcycles.  The Tuk-tuks are more dangerous than need be as the drivers always disable the only safety feature provided by removing the governor which prevents sharp cornering which makes then very unstable.

Amazing the way everyone squeezes their vehicle through any tiny gap available, but it seems to work, with liberal use of their horns.  Luckily I think our coach driver learnt to drive in a tuk-tuk, he seems to be able to get the coach through any space only just big enough for one.

Our tour gave us views of colonial buildings, skyscrapers, temples, churches, lighthouses, a brand new performing arts complex and the unfinished Lotus Tower, a real mixture and we even had a run out of town to see he new Parliament Buildings.

New Performing Arts Complex

New unfinished Lotus Tower and ancient Buddhist Temple

New Parliament Building in the middle of a new lake

Everywhere there are little shops, street stalls and markets crowded with people by the thousand.

Our three stops included the Asokaramaya Buddhist Temple complex.

Next the Colombo Museum, external views only, and thirdly Independence Square where a commemorative structure of reinforced concrete has been built.

All the stops had some photo opportunities but mainly seemed to be scheduled for potty-breaks, Cunard seem to be getting a bit paranoid about giving comfort breaks more than even visits to the tourist sites.

All around there are new parks with lakes, to assist with flood prevention in case of another tsunami and the dual purpose of encouraging the population to spend time out walking for their health.

Our drive back to the ship continued the roundabout tour of the city, we seemed to pass most places several times in different directions, at least this made for a fair chance to see most things from each side of the coach anyway.  Sri Lanka is very proud of it’s cricket team and we saw several cricket grounds, no-one playing though all looked well kept.

A roadside standing Buddha

Another roadside Buddha

A Pelican flying near the seafront

The latest developments are by the Chinese who are reclaiming land on the seafront for a huge development of condos, hotels and offices.

Back on board ship, time to relax, too far to town for any independent additional visit.

Late sailaway this evening, last two buses had to be waited for, some of today’s excursions were very long.

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