Days 26 to 28 - at Sea

Tuesday 4th Feb 2020

Today the ship celebrated the crossing the line ceremony, that’s the official crossing of the Equator, we did cross it whilst navigating the Amazon but that doesn’t seem to have counted.  Lots of passengers and crew paying their dues to Neptune to change from pollywogs to shellbacks.  Neptune’s helpers seem to take great delight in liberally smothering the participants in all sorts of goo, sometimes maybe too much delight.

Wednesday 5th Feb 2020

Overcast and wet day today, some quite heavy tropical downpours, though both air and rain very warm, a real pleasure to take a swim in the pool while pretty much everyone sheltered indoors.  Made for a very busy day at all the trivia etc. as sunbathing cancelled for today.
Our complementary wine tasting this afternoon, made sure we had a bit of lunch first just in case they decided to be a bit more generous with the samples, but no, still only a drop or two of each wine.
Tonight in the theatre another performance by Bruce Morrison, this time singing a selection of numbers from various Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals.

Thursday 6th Feb 2020

Sunny again today, all back to normal , life back out on deck.
Sailing on down the coast today, not too far off, only one city of note identifiable, Recife.  Lots of Gannet like birds (I guess they are called  Boobies here, as elsewhere in the tropics) using the ship to generate lift and to watch out for Flying Fish disturbed by the wake.  More fish than we have seen for days.
South American Voyage cocktail party tonight.  Couple of drinks and an excellent buffet, especially for lovers of fishy bits, of note some delicious really big crab legs.

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