Days 41 to 42 at Sea

Revised Itinerary

Day 41 - at Sea
Day 42 - Cruise by Cape Horn
Day 43 - Beagle Channel and Ushuaia
Day 44 - at Sea and Magellan Strait
Day 45 - Punta Arenas
Back on schedule again!

Wednesday 19th February 2020

Much cooler, much windier, much rougher, proper sea weather, this passes for summer around Cape Horn.

Our southerly course today running against the cold water Falklands Current flowing up the Patagonian coast.

Thursday 20th February 2020

Trivia win - they come few and far between this voyage, too many bright sparks!
Weather rather dull again today.
Late afternoon arrived at Cape Horn.  Ship turned around just near the lighthouse and monument.

Monument to lost sailors of the world, in the form of an Albatros, traditionally  the Albatros embodies the souls of dead sailors.

The lighthouse is manned by a Chilean naval officer with his family, contracts last either one or two years, the current officer has his wife and three children with him, the youngest having been born on the island two months ago.  We then circumnavigated the island.  The Captain sounded the ships horn to mark the southernmost point of our voyage, just 450nm from Elephant Island, part of Antarctica.

We then retraced our route north towards the Beagle Channel.

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